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Adapting Your Home for a Good Night's Sleep

 It’s highly recommended that the average adult gets eight hours of sleep a night. This is common knowledge. But how many of us are actually meeting this recommendation? All too often, we find ourselves pushing our sleep schedules out of sync, opting to stay up late or get up early in order to accommodate other elements of our lives and busy schedules. But sleep really is so important! Here’s some more information on why you need to prioritize getting a good night’s sleep, as well as a few tips and tricks to help you on this journey!

Why Is Sleep So Important?

We all know that we need to sleep. But why is sleep so important for our wellbeing? Put simply, we just cannot get by without it. Sleep plays an absolutely essential role in your body’s vital functions, helping you to get from one day to the next. Sleep is the process that gives your body time to heal itself and work on itself. The role of sleep differs depending on your age, stage in life, and what your body needs on an individual level. Generally speaking, sleep for kids and teens allows their bodies to grow and develop. In adults, it undertakes preparatory work. Getting enough sleep can promote long-term well-being, while inadequate sleep on a regular basis causes chronic sleeplessness, which can negatively impact your physical health, your mental health, and behaviors. Think about it. When you don’t get enough sleep, not only can you ache and find that you take longer to recover from illness or injury, but you can begin to feel stressed, overwhelmed, and down. You can also begin to struggle to think, react, work, learn, socialize and memorize things in the way that you want.

Heart Health

Good quality sleep is essential for your heart. During sleep, you enter non-REM sleep, and your blood pressure and heart rate fall. This gives your heart more rest, as your heart rate slows and your blood pressure reduces. Long-term issues with sleep can lead to angina, chest pain, and even heart attacks.

Hormonal Health

Hormones regulate many systems in our bodies. Your body produces different levels of hormones throughout the day. Having good quality sleep provides your body with routine and can ensure that hormones are released at the right time to do their job as best possible. Good sleep patterns, for example, can encourage your body to release cortisol in the morning, keeping you alert and productive. 


Your body manages fat varies according to your sleep-wake cycle. Having a good sleep routine can make sure that your liver is prepared to help digest fats at the right time of the day and night. Good sleep can give your metabolism consistency, allowing it to work at its best.


Did you know that your body mostly forms your memories when you’re asleep? Good sleep is essential for learning and the formation of long-term memories. You may find yourself struggling to remember things or focus when you have poor sleep quality on an ongoing basis.

Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

As you can see, sleep is pretty important. We haven’t even gone over the comprehensive list of roles it plays in our health and well-being. But what can you do to get a good night’s sleep? Here are a few suggestions that should see you catching some quality zzz’s in next to no time!

Your Mattress

Your mattress is likely to be the biggest factor determining whether you get a comfortable night’s sleep or not. Different mattresses suit different people’s body types and sleeping styles, so it’s generally best to visit a mattress store and try a few out in person. Sales staff will be able to guide you on what will likely suit your needs and preferences down to a tee. Aim to replace your mattress once every eight years for ongoing comfort and support.


The comfort of your bed goes above and beyond the mattress. You need to make sure that you’ve got quality, affordable sustainable bedding to match. Bedding makes a huge difference when it comes to the comfort of your sleeping situation and how easily you are able to settle down. Take some time to test which pillows that best suit your needs. Some prefer firm, and some prefer soft. Some prefer one, and some prefer two. You should make sure you have a high-tog duvet for the colder months and a low-tog duvet for the summer months. Then, quality, soft-to-the-touch sheets should finish everything off perfectly.


You may find that you struggle to sleep if there’s light present in your sleeping space. Make sure to turn off lights and close curtains or blinds before getting into bed. Not only can this help you to fall asleep, but you may find that they block out light in the morning, helping you to sleep in longer.

A Bedtime Routine

Now is the time to get yourself into a bedtime routine if you don’t already have one. A good bedtime routine can give your body consistency, encouraging it to know when to wind down and when to be alert and productive. Set yourself a routine bedtime and do your best to stick to it. Put your devices away before getting into bed - their blue light can cause your brain to perk up and start concentrating, rather than drifting off to sleep easily. You should also consider skipping caffeine in the hours leading up to bed.

Hopefully, some of the advice above should help you to get a truly good night’s sleep on a regular basis. You’ll be amazed at the wonders it works for your overall health and well-being! Start by making positive changes to your sleeping environment and bedtime routine and you’ll experience the benefits of ongoing, quality sleep before you know it!

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