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Why Everyone Should Go Tent Camping At Least Once

 Getting a break from your normal routines can be very beneficial for mental health. Often, we become exhausted from our daily routine, potentially getting sick of how repetitive things can be. Maybe you are stuck in an office on a computer for 8-10 hours a day. Perhaps you are entertaining toddlers who want to read the same book over and over for weeks on end. When it is time to get away, that vacation feels sorely needed.

While some people want to head to luxury resorts or beautiful Airbnbs in touristy cities, let’s look at an alternative; tent camping. Camping in a tent in the great outdoors can be a truly fulfilling experience, and you do not have to be a certain personality to enjoy it.

Everyone should experience tent camping at some point in their lives. Here are a few reasons why.

Connecting to the Great Outdoors

We cannot exist without a healthy relationship with nature. Nature is responsible for the air we breathe, the weather we experience, the food we eat, and the water we drink. A deeper connection with nature is easy to find when you spend a few days and nights with nothing more than a thin sheet of fabric between yourself and the fresh air. You can hear the sounds of the birds and the wind. You can hear little critters scampering across the forest floor. You can feel the warmth of the sun or the cold of the rain. A greater appreciation for nature may be the result of a trip in the wilderness, even if you get stuck in bad weather while camping.

Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

Everyone likes to be comfortable most of the time. We enjoy sleeping in a warm bed, eating home-cooked food on clean dishes, ordering takeout when we are too tired to cook, and getting to take a shower to cleanse ourselves each day. Getting out of your comfort zone can force you to grow as a person and experience something new. When you only have a sleeping bag, a tent, and a fire over which to cook food, it is very easy to become uncomfortable. Maybe you will not get a chance to shower during the trip, or you will be eating food that may have some flecks of dirt or ash in it. This is all part of the camping experience.

Escaping Your Screens

While the Internet is certainly a tool that makes modern life easier, it can also be a negative thing. Many of us are addicted to our phones, not wanting to miss out on anything. Between social media, emails, texts, entertainment, and other Internet services, we might be spending hours each day looking at screens. A weekend in the wilderness, where there is likely no signal, is a great way to escape from these screens. A few days away may be just the thing to see how much you can exist without a screen on at all times.

True Relaxation

Not only will you experience the absence of screens and mobile devices, but you can see what true quiet actually feels like. Sometimes, it is hard to find any peace with the pace of everyday life. As such, it can be hard to relax at all. When you are in the great outdoors, listening to the sounds of nature and sitting around a fire, it can be one of the most relaxing experiences of your life. Sure, you might not sleep as comfortably because of the rough ground or your skin will take a beating without any showers. But you can appreciate sleeping in your bed even more when you return and you can pack some barrier balm to keep your skin moisturized while on the trip.

Fun Activities

Camping is not just about setting up a tent, sitting around a fire, and eating. There are lots of fun things you can do while camping that will be memorable experiences. You could go kayaking or canoeing on a peaceful lake. You can catch up on reading for pleasure or play some card/board games with your fellow campers. Swinging gently in a travel hammock can be fun just because of how relaxing it is. Since you are in the wilderness, you might as well go on a hike. There is plenty to do in the great outdoors, so take advantage and have some fun during this new experience.  If you do find that camping in a tent isn't for you, you can consider a campervan, too.

Make Sure You Are Prepared

It is easy to have a miserable camping trip if you are not prepared. There are a lot of essentials that you must bring along to enjoy it, though the packing list will depend on what kind of experience you want to have. A tent, sleeping bags, multi-tool, tarps, a rope, a knife, an axe, cooking materials, dishes, lots of water, matches, garbage bags, the right clothes, and toiletries are a few things that you may need, but the list may be a lot longer if you want to enjoy camping.

Everyone should go on at least one trip into the wilderness where they sleep in a tent at night, so try it out if you never have and explore the many benefits. 

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