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Easy Ways to Make Cleaning Less of a "Chore"

If you find cleaning a chore, you’re not alone. Some people love it and find it therapeutic, while others would rather be doing something they actually enjoy. If you feel like the latter, then read on to find easy ways to make cleaning less of a chore! 

Put An Upbeat Playlist On

Put an upbeat playlist on and aim to clean to the beat. Avoid slower songs as they can easily slow you down. You want to keep the momentum up!

Use Products You Actually Enjoy

Make sure you use products you really enjoy. Homemade products can be very satisfying to use and are often safer than products bought from the store. A high quality mop and hoover will make your life easier, too.

Get Your Family Involved

Don’t let your family sit around doing nothing. Make sure you get them involved - yep, even young kids! They can hold a dustpan and brush or do something simple, like wipe the table over. Getting them into good habits now is a great idea.

Set A Timer

Set a timer and limit yourself to cleaning for that long. 20 minutes each day should help you to stay on top of everything, but you can change it depending on what you need. You’ll be more inclined to get on with it when you have a time limit.

Hire Help

There’s no shame in hiring help if you need it. The infographic below can give you more information on why this could be right for you.

credit to Houseproud Cleaning

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