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The Joy in Cleaning

Tidy home, tidy mind… Well, actually there is a lot to be said for that. When things are clean and tidy, everything in its place there is a feeling of contentment and joy. But not everyone starts by loving cleaning or enjoying the process in any way. The idea that cleaning and tidying up can spark joy can be alien to many. But, once you get into properly, and appreciate the end result and even the small steps in how you got there - you might just find the joy in cleaning.

Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash


You don’t have to start inside, you can go for the outside of your home instead. This is a cool project because much of the time, you can ‘manage’ rather than do. You can book in people to take care of your gutters, to take a look at the garden and see you can create something interesting and new, or give the brickwork an excellent clean. Take a walk around your home and start making a note of the things you would like to see. Plants by the front door, neater grass and trimmed hedges, gutters cleared of moss and debris.

Clean and tidy but you don’t have to lift a finger - unless you want to. 

Favorite Space

Everyone has a room in the house that they just love being in. It might be your bedroom, your workspace or maybe where you spend time as a family. So it stands to reason that actually having that clean and tidy will being your happiness. You don’t have to get stuck into a deep clean, you can work on things over the space of a few days. There are few ways to do a lot of tidying and cleaning in a short amount of time. You can set eggs timers, and do the tasks that take 60 seconds or less. Or you can set focus periods of 15 minutes with 5-minute breaks and put the Pomodoro method to work for you.

Remember to empty out the drawers, move some of the furniture and vacuum in the spaces that don’t typically see the light of day.
Finishing Touches

When you have finished tidying up the space, it is time for some of the smaller finishing touches. If you love candles that match the season then add a few big jar candles in with your favourite scents. If you are looking to keep the room fresh and airy, then linen or ocean breeze fragrances tend to work best, for warmth try apple pie and cinnamon, and for luxurious ambience setting scents them amber and musk are great options.

When it comes to tidying up, the end result is always worth the effort, and when you get to sit down at the end of the day in a clean living room or walk into a spotless office, you will always be happy and comfortable. So think about tidying up like a small goal on the way to achieving happiness and joy in everyday things.

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  1. I am not the kind to keep a spotless house, but I do like tidy. My husband is not always the best at helping to keep things like that and when the grand doll is here- watch out!


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