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Essential Oils for Learning

As a teacher and a principal, one of the things I liked to do with my students was to create an environment that was conducive to learning.  One of the ways I did that was to diffuse essential oils.  I kept a small but mighty list of oils that I would use in my office that would help students with whatever function they needed, whether that was coming to school, paying attention, being calm, or being motivated.  

My list of essential, essential oils includes tangerine, peppermint, rosemary, lemon, grapefruit, thieves, and peace and calming.  I purchased all my essential oils through Young Living oils, which I now sell. The blends on my chart are ones that are tried and true, and you may see them on other charts with different names.  

Feel free to print the flyer below and to share with others who are providing learning for our students. Pin for later use!

We are all in this Covid-19 educating our children together.  Reach out if I can be of assistance to you!

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