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Learning Your History: Three Key Facts

If you love reading, you should dive headfirst into some American history. American history is full of crazy happenings, seemingly impossible struggles, and overhauls of social norms. It would be impossible to write an article which details each and every one of them, but there are some unmistakably key moments that still resonate today.
  1. Winning Independence

So, this was about as revolutionary as it gets. When America first began, it was owned and run by the British, and each state, all thirteen of them at the time, was its own British colony. The battle of Yorktown in 1781, however, finally overthrew the British army and won America its independence. This period between 1765 and 1783 is known as the American Revolution, which eventually established America as its own country and kick-started what we now know as the United States of America.

The key to the American Revolution was that it was not fought alone. The French, headed by revolutionary figure Marquis de Lafayette, helped America win its independence, leading to the Treaty of Paris which was signed in 1783 - signifying the official end to the American Revolutionary War.
  1. The Constitution

We all know about the constitution of America. But where did it all begin? Shortly after the Revolutionary War was won, the next step was to figure out how to run this country the revolutionaries had fought so hard for. There was a five-month-long event called the constitutional convention in 1787, at which the founding fathers, including James Madison and George Washington, debated and subsequently wrote the constitution which makes up American law.

What was the constitution? This constitution began what we now know as the American financial system. Assuming the debt that America owed to France, the founding fathers gave America competitive national credit, allowing its financial system to grow and expand into the capital we know today.
  1. The Abolition of Slavery

All the previously mentioned revolutions were enacted whilst slavery was still legal and practiced. As wild as that seems, the founding fathers, who we remember fondly, were slave owners. The abolition of slavery did not happen until 6th December 1865. Slavery abolition means that it became illegal to own human beings as property and that any such humans who were still enslaved were to be freed and treated equally in society.
The abolition of slavery did not end racial inequality, however. Soon, laws began to be practiced which allowed segregation to replace slavery as a means of separation between black and white individuals. This was only overcome by the civil rights movement headed by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
These three cornerstones of American political history are incredible to read about, digest, and understand in modern times. Although we perhaps can’t relate to these seemingly ancient concepts, their ramifications exist in our current society, and should not be overlooked. Reading up on your own history can help you feel more politically engaged and aware as we emerge into a new political era.

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