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Great Installations for Elderly Homeowners

While there’s a common picture of elderly relatives becoming too old to properly manage a household, eventually leading to nursing home attendance, there are many couples living their golden years in households they have curated quite successfully. Of course, they’re usually relatively content, and so there’s no real need to discuss their next step or give them living advice.

It might be that you’ve noticed your parent is hoping to live in their own space despite growing mobility issues, or enhanced needs that come as a natural indication of age. It might be that you’ve allowed them to come to live with you as a necessary and respected member of the family, taking up a spare room in your household.

Maybe you wish to help renovate their own living situation so they have every necessity taken care of, providing them privacy and dignity at a time when this is most important. No matter your justification, it’s important to think about how this process could be achieved. In this post, we hope to discuss all of that and more:

Secondary Glazing

Secondary glazing can work wonders in an elderly home, and for a few reasons. First, it provides a soundproofing effect that can help your elderly relative live more comfortably and peacefully in their own home. It can add security to the space, as every elderly person deserves to feel safe in their home. It can also provide insulation against heat loss, which will keep them warmer for longer in their space, and make it be less likely to wake up to a freezing household. A combination of factors like that is sure to be beneficial.

Mobility Lifts & Handles

It’s normal for those getting on in years to have less mobility than they used to. This might mean that installing handles so they can more easily pull themselves up into their household, installing a mobility lift as part of the staircase, or installing a ramp so that their mobility scooter can easily access their front porch is all key. Sometimes, simple handles next to the bathroom can help. Some elderly people find utility in armchairs that raise up to allow standing up from sitting down to become a much easier process. Again, a combination of these necessities can guarantee a greater degree of comfort going forward.

Seated Baths & Showers

Mobility issues can affect every part of life, and so making sure that the most intimate day-to-day activities can be accessed comfortably is also important - such a taking a bath or a shower. Certain tubs that allow for an easy walk-in and sit-down are better to handle for the elderly, as they can keep the dignity of washing themselves thoroughly without having trouble climbing in and out of a small tub or shower unit. These installations can often last for years too, providing a worthwhile investment sure to be appreciated.

With this advice, you’re certain to grant your elderly relative the help they need to make the most of their household.

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