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Looking Ahead: Planning Your Perfect Summer of 2022a!

Moving through the holiday season you’ve probably started giving some thought to your new years’ resolutions. Now we know that this practice has fallen out of favor with many folks of late, but we think it’s still a great idea - you just have to know how to do them right.

For starters, whatever goals you’re wanting to achieve next year, have to be realistic and achievable, something that you can plan for and create a budget for, otherwise like so many deleted scenes in Hollywood movies, your dreams will just land up on the cutting room floor.

Now, if you’ve been thinking about your exterior spaces and you think that you need a bit of an upgrade, read on. We’re going to (hopefully) inspire some creative juices on your part so that you can start planning your perfect summer, now.

Image By JillWellington


Goal-setting shouldn’t be overly serious and boring - this is your dream space, after all, so make some time to hijack the dining room table, grab a pen, paper, and diary or desk planner and start dividing up 2022. You start by listing all of your goals: Vacations, financial planning, savings and investment goals, personal improvement plans, and anything else that you can think of that you’re wanting to achieve next year.

It’s a good idea to list these according to how much they’re likely to cost, where they need to be fulfilled or executed and at what time of the year you want to do them. This is going to give you a solid foundation from where you can plot your next level of success.


Each goal needs a budget, doesn’t matter how small or big it is and this is especially true if you’re wanting to do some home improvements or that long-overdue world cruise. Whatever it is, it’s going to cost something and we lose sight of so many of our goals because we think we’re never going to be able to afford them. But that’s because we’re looking at them the wrong way - we look at the total amount and think we need that entire amount from the onset.

The reality, however, is that once we know what financial commitments we’re looking at, we can spread those savings goals over a few months, making the goal that much more realistic.


Many Americans are choosing to upgrade their homes instead of sell, and that’s good advice all-around at the moment. So if you have an interior space that needs some love, or you’re wanting to redesign your outside areas (patio paver design tool), now is the time to start figuring out what that’s going to look like and what it’s going to cost.


This is always tricky for many in North America because the weather only improves around April - but that’s no excuse. Summer beach bodies are built in the winter and it’s never a bad idea to start a new fitness routine and start paying better attention to what you eat.

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm, and so you’ll want to get cracking as soon as possible with your planning, but don’t take it that seriously that your friends start declining party invitations - and you seem to start getting fewer.

However you’re choosing to celebrate, we whop you have an AMAZING holiday season and a prosperous new year.

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