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How to Deal with Clogged Drains

 Plumbing issues are very aggravating for everyone. A blocked drain is the most common plumbing problem that homeowners experience. However, if you know what the most typical reasons for blocked drains are, you’ll be able to resolve them more easily. The four most common causes of blocked drains and how to deal with them are listed below.



Oil Or Grease 

Kitchen drains are often blocked. Oil or grease that has started to cake-up on the wall within the drainpipe is often the issue. To clear this kind of blockage, pour some detergent down the drain, followed by some hot water. The combination of heat and detergent will soften the caked-on oil or grease. Plunge the drain after three to five minutes. The caked-up oil and grease should be softened sufficiently to be extracted with the plunger. It’s not the most pleasant job in the world, but it’s certainly effective. 



In certain circumstances, the build-up within a drain can be more severe. If you have hard water, the water rushing down your drains will cause mineral deposits to form within. This will eventually result in a material that cannot be readily dissolved and clogs the drain. Overall, a water softener is required to cure this issue permanently. Water softener installation is highly effective, but it’s important to be aware that this will be a large plumbing task that will almost certainly need the services of a professional.



A build-up of human hair is another major cause of blocked drains, and the fact is that we are losing hair all throughout the day. When we’re washing our hair in the shower, or even if it just gets wet with no shampoo involved, more will come out. This is entirely natural, but when it goes down the drain, it can get stuck there and clogged and begin to collect oil and microscopic particles, eventually obstructing the flow of water downwards. A plumber’s snake should be able to clear this kind of obstruction. Install a drain guard to prevent hair from going down the drain in the first place for a more permanent solution.



Soap is hardly something you’d expect to block a drain. However, soap-based drain blockages actually happen a lot more than you would think. This is due to the fact that many soap bars include oil or fat. When you wash your hands, this oil or fat is released and can react with the minerals in the water to form soap scum. Soap scum will then accumulate and cause a blockage. If the build-up is large enough, pressure cleaning may be required to really get to grips with the issue. 


This is, of course, just a partial list of the reasons for blocked drains. In general, it’s a good idea to be cautious about what goes down your drain. If the only thing that goes down your drain is soft water rather than hard water, you are less likely to have a blockage that needs to be dealt with and that, if left unaddressed, can be potentially extremely damaging to your property and even your health.

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