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The Ultimate Hiking Survival Kit

Do you love the outdoors and exploring? Do you like to spend time hiking, backpacking, or camping in remote locations? If so, then you will need a well-thought-out survival kit. There are many factors that come into play when selecting a kit for your trip: where will I be going (desert, mountain region), how long am I staying (overnight hike vs. multi-day trek), what is my budget & skillset. This article will discuss some of the essentials to pack for any type of adventure!

Photo by Kampus Production from Pexels

#1 Whistle

The first item on the list is a whistle. A whistle will help you call for help if you get lost or hurt and can also be used to ward off wildlife that may pose a threat while hiking in the wilderness. If you cannot find your way back to your camp or trail, then it's going to be difficult for anyone else to locate you either!

#2 First aid kit

A lightweight first aid kit is a must-have item on your list! But, unfortunately, you never know when you may need it, and if not, having one would come back to haunt you, especially in an emergency.

In addition, there are many different types of kits out there; small ones which fit inside pockets or larger kits that can be put into backpacks, etc. If this will be the only thing (besides shoes/clothes) you plan on taking with you, then make sure it's as compact as possible but still contains all the essentials:

  • Bandages, gauze pads & tape for wrapping wounds.

  • Antiseptic wipes/gauze pads soaked in peroxide for cleaning injuries and disinfecting them.

  • Aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain relief.

  • Antihistamines such as Benadryl help with bee stings and bug bites.

There are also many kits available that contain antacids (like Tums), decongestants (such as Sudafed) & electrolytes, which can be very helpful in preventing dehydration after vomiting/diarrhea, etc.

#3 Firestarter

Fire starting is another essential to pack. It's always best to carry the means of making fire with you rather than depending on being able to find tinder or kindling outside in order to start one- this way, if there are any complications, your life won't be at risk! And who wants a cold/wet night?

There are many different types of kits out there that will help facilitate this process: matches (waterproof & regular), lighters, magnesium fire starters, etc. The easiest and most compact option would probably be waterproof matches which can also double as markers for trails by writing names or notes on them before lighting, so they show up better against tree bark after being ignited. You could even use it as part of an improvised shelter if need be!

#4 Space blanket

Space blankets are very inexpensive, compact, and lightweight, which makes them an ideal item to keep with you. They can be used for warmth (reflects 90% of body heat), protection from the sun (blocks harmful UV rays) & even making improvised shelters or signaling for rescuers if need be! The best part is that they come in their own small pouch, so it's easy to store just about anywhere.

But remember- this doesn't mean you should rely on these alone as your only source of shelter/warmth since they aren't meant to replace actual tents etc. but will serve as a good supplement at the very least! This way, you'll have fewer things to pack overall.

There are many other items that can be added to a hiking survival kit; these are just some of the essentials. It's essential to tailor your kit to fit your specific needs and abilities, as well as the environment you will be spending time in. So get out there and explore safely, knowing that you have the right tools with you should something go wrong!

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