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How to Network When Working From Home

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the number of professionals working from home has gone through the roof - and it seems that this trend is very much here to stay.

Many people prefer the new arrangement, as it often allows for a more comfortable work/life balance and significantly reduces commuting time. 

Others, however, find it more difficult to focus their efforts at home and feel as though the change has made certain aspects of their job much harder to manage. One particular challenge comes in the form of networking.

It’s clear that remote working can make it much harder to forge new professional connections and relationships. So what can home-workers do to tackle this obstacle and keep finding those new leads?

Read on for a few simple, handy tips on networking while working from home. https://styleblueprint.com/nashville/everyday/the-top-coworking-spaces-in-nashville/


This platform has been around for more than twenty years now, and remains a staple resource for many industries.

By keeping your LinkedIn profile up to date, showing that you are “Open to Work” and regularly posting updates or interacting with others on the site, you’re more likely to draw attention and attract other relevant professionals.

LinkedIn has an entire feature dedicated to building your network. Why not take a little time each week to search through the list of “people you may know” and send out invitations to relevant parties.

They in turn may have superb links, which could amount to very promising introductions.

Meetups and Industry Events

Remote and in-person industry events existed long before the pandemic, and are more valuable than ever to the forging of new relationships.

Take a look at online event listings to find out what’s going on in your local area and beyond, and make sure you sign up to attend as much as possible. 

Nowadays, a lot of these affairs take place remotely via conferencing platforms, so you won’t need to spend the time, money, and energy on a lengthy commute.

Take the opportunity to attend mixers, business breakfasts, product launches, and everything in between in order to get your face seen and your name heard by potential partners, investors, and clients. You could even throw your own event if you can’t find anything suitable.


Many industries have dedicated online forums available for professionals and members of the general public alike can seek advice or services.

“Search online to find out if there are any relevant to your particular discipline. If you are able to spend a little time on these each week, you may be able to position yourself as an industry expert and forge strong connections with other businesses and individuals,” comments James Durr of industry-leading UK homebuyers Property Solvers.


Now may be a great time to build on your existing skills and learn something new. 

Attending a course - online or in-person - that is relevant to your field of practice will not only help you to achieve further professional growth, but it may also serve to put you in touch with other like-minded specialists working in relevant fields.

Many opportunities of this kind come with the added benefit of being able to include a new certificate or accreditation on your company’s website to build client trust further.

Coworking Spaces

“Working remotely” doesn’t necessarily have to mean working from home. There are plenty of flexible coworking spaces in or outside urban centers where you can rent a space or even just a desk for a specified period of time.

The great thing about this approach is that you’re likely to meet people from a wide range of disciplines in these establishments, meaning you’re not limited to your own field but may be able to make connections of all kinds.

Check out organizations of this kind that are local to you to find out what deals or contracts are available.

There are even virtual “spaces” available that serve a similar purpose.

Use Social Media

All professionals should be active on social media, as it’s a great way to connect with audiences and other businesses - as well as position oneself as an industry professional by sharing opinions on current affairs.

These benefits increase still further for remote workers. Social media allows an almost limitless outlet to help you extend your reach into almost any sphere - from local to global. 

Make sure you follow relevant people and firms, share and engage with industry-related content on a regular basis and use the right handles and hashtags to get noticed.

Use the right platforms for your practice and use a clear, professional tone of voice to help you remain as recognizable as possible.

Attend Reunions

No matter how long ago you left education, your college or university may still hold events that are relevant to you as an alumnus.

Take a look at their jobs listings and find out about upcoming reunions to see if there are any relevant opportunities available.

Ask Friends for Referrals

Your colleagues and friends are an excellent resource when it comes to new connections. Whether you’re planning to network within your field or far beyond, don’t be afraid to approach the people you know for new introductions.

No matter how tenuous the link, most professionals are happy to extend their pool of contacts - so there’s no need to be apprehensive. After all, the worst they can do is say “no thank you”.

Get Out and About

Much of the time, we make our best connections when we least expect it. To this end, the pursuit of sociable hobbies and the act of getting out for walks, taking in entertainment or investing in travel - just for recreational purposes - can end up paying off significantly. 

Simply interacting with the wider world during your leisure time may see you strike up a conversation with a stranger who may just set your career off on a whole new path.

The above are just some of the diverse techniques you might use to build on your professional network while working from home.

By trying out just a few that suit your preferences and the field in which you work could send your career to new heights - so why not make a start today?

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