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Can You Make Up for Lost Sleep?

 According to the experts, healthy adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep per night, but many don’t get the rest they need because they often have trouble falling asleep. Others tend to stay up until late at night due to changes in their lives. For instance, working parents burn the midnight oil to get a full-time week, even if it’s not sustainable. The question now is: Can you undo the damage of bad sleep? Unfortunately, NO. You can’t make up for lost sleep and can even have health problems. The true function of sleep is poorly understood, but the effects of not getting enough of it are pretty clear. Possible consequences of sleep deprivation include memory issues, weakened immunity, trouble thinking and concentrating, and weight gain. 

It’s Not Possible to Catch Up on Sleep

If your body needs eight hours of sleep per night, but you only get six, you have a sleep debt of two hours. Regrettably, you can’t repay that debt by sleeping more on your day off. Research suggests that if you can’t make up for the harms of sleep deprivation, so you should change a few habits to achieve sufficient sleep. You would need a couple of days of proper rest to make up for one hour of sleep debt, meaning it’s mathematically impossible to close the gap. If you’re exhausted by the time the weekend arrives, a nap is better than a marathon of sleep. 

Possible Source of Insufficient or Low-Quality Sleep at Night 

Sleep allows the mind and body to recharge, which is why you feel refreshed when you wake up. If you don’t get enough rest at night, you have a harder time absorbing and recalling information. Some individuals can function on less sleep, yet it’s not a good idea to generalize the results to yourself. You’re totally unique, so you might not be the exception to the rule. To avoid problems, it’s best to avoid sleep deprivation. If you’re not getting enough sleep, this might be the reason why. 

You Take Sleep for Granted

Many don’t realize just how important sleep is and live against their body clocks with consequences for health and well-being. What about you? Do you think sleep is a complete waste of time? Catching some Zs shouldn’t be taken for granted. You can’t abandon years of evolution and ignore the fact that we, as humans, have evolved under a light-dark cycle. If you’ve never had sleep issues, struggled to fall asleep, or suffered from insomnia, you might take sleep for granted. Sleep is a blessing, so spend more time in bed. Remember that not everyone can drift soundlessly off to sleep and give it a chance. 

You Eat and Drink Late

At some point, you’ve found yourself in the kitchen late at night, indulging in a snack or treating yourself to a glass of wine. Eating and drinking too close to bedtime not only causes discomfort but also impacts the quality of your sleep. The effects can differ based on personal characteristics and the type and amount of food/drinks being consumed, but it’s not good. You ought to do your best to achieve quality and quantity of sleep at night. Having a cup of coffee before bed is obviously a poor decision, but who would’ve thought that an evening cocktail could ruin your sleep? 

You’re Stressed 

Stress is an inevitable part of life. Problems at home and work, crime, drug use, war, and so on- all of these things give rise to tension, anxiety, and frustration. Day-to-day living can be stressful and interfere with your sleep by prolonging how long it takes to fall asleep. It’s crucial to find ways to deal with stress to reduce its adverse effects on sleep, so look for ways to make your life less stressful. Make it a priority to catch your Zs no matter what happens. If you have a busy schedule, it’s better to make a to-do list so that you don’t forget anything important or complicate your life. 

Pajamas Can Actually Help Improve Your Sleep 

Dress right when you go to bed to put yourself at every advantage by getting a good night’s sleep. When you put on your pajamas, you’re sending a signal to your brain that it’s time to get some shuteye, so you fall asleep more quickly. Your brain is ready to rest and call it a day. T-shirts and pants you repurpose as sleepwear wasn’t meant to be worn to bed but for activities during your wake hours. The materials from which they’re made don’t let you breathe, so you’ll feel either too hot or too cold. Wearing sleepwear made of bamboo will help you sleep soundly and feel better. 

According to This Is J, bamboo jammers give you the best sleep of your dreams. The explanation lies in the fact that the fabric aids temperature regulation, which is closely tied to the circadian rhythm. Bamboo viscose dries pretty quickly, so it’s perfect for night sweats and humid weather. It’s organic and made in a closed-loop process, so it’s the fabric choice for the environmentally conscious. Bamboo grows fast and doesn’t need pesticides, fertilizers, or irrigation. Getting back on topic, when selecting sleepwear for optimal results, there are some things to avoid, like getting the wrong size. Sleepwear should fit loosely to give you enough room to move and twist. 

Closing Thoughts 

Since catching up on sleep during the weekend doesn’t counteract the harmful effects of insufficient sleep during the week, you should make an effort to rest. Sleep is important for many things, including but not limited to productivity, mood, energy, and immunity. It’s best to go to bed and wake up at the same hour each day, get rid of distracting electronics, and avoid big meals and alcohol before going to bed. If you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall asleep, wait for half an hour or so. Go to another room and engage in a relaxing activity.

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