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How To Make Your Home A Nicer Place To Spend Time

 Studies have found that even in a post-pandemic world, we continue to spend more time at home than ever before. There are various reasons for this; we may have grown used to indulging in home comforts or have sought out remote working opportunities that allow us to spend more time at home. 

However, these habits could also mean that your home is driving you crazy - especially if you’ve grown tired of your design choices or the space you have available to you. 

Photo by Outsite Co on Unsplash

With that in mind, here are some simple changes you can introduce that will make your home a nicer place to spend your time!

Bring the outside, in. 

There are many benefits to surrounding ourselves with nature, which is so why so many people work to maintain a stunning garden all year round. However, you may be surprised to hear that plants can play an important role in your home. For example, they bring around many health benefits, by promoting a sense of wellness and improving air quality. This means they are more than just a way to add a splash of color into your home - though this is a nice additional benefit. 

Install a cooling system. 

If you live in an area that frequently experiences bouts of hot weather, your air conditioning unit is likely your lifeline. After all, it provides you with a sanctuary you can escape into when temperatures soar, ensuring you’re not only comfortable but also get enough sleep. However, instead of a traditional AC unit, you may wish to consider installing an Evaporative Cooling system in your home. This system filters the air before it enters your home, creating a cool, refreshing breeze. This can improve the air quality in your home considerably. 


One of the easiest ways in which you can make your home a nicer place to spend time is by simply carrying out a deep cleaning of the space. More often than not, this means you must work to declutter each room. When doing so, try to be ruthless in your approach. If you come across something you no longer need or use, consider whether you really need to keep it within your home. If not, consider donating it to charity or selling it online. For the items, you decide to keep, ensure they have a set place in your home where they belong. For example, you may wish to invest in more storage units such as shelves or under bed storage. 

Add a splash of color. 

Whether you repaint the walls or introduce new artwork, throws, or other pieces of decor, there are many benefits associated with introducing a splash of color into any room within your home. For example, “doing so can change the focal point of your room and bring in a completely different look without needing to change the design or esthetics at all.” It also gives you the chance to curate the perfect atmosphere throughout your home, as you can choose colors that evoke specific feelings or emotions within you. For example, pastel colors are known for being particularly relaxing or soothing.  




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