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How To Train A New Puppy And Tips For Their Arrival

Whether you are a parent or not, we all know the benefits of children growing up with a dog. Dogs are caring and loving animals that can put a smile on anyone’s face (and make anyone feel loved and cozy). Therefore, you might soon get a puppy or already have one to add fun and love to your family’s life. 

There is no better cuddle than a puppy cuddle, and if you want to ensure that your new puppy is well-behaved as they are loving, you have come to the right place. This guide will share with you how it is best to train and discipline your life with a new pet puppy and some advice on caring for a new puppy when they arrive home for the first time. Let’s get into it.

Photo by Chevanon Photography: https://www.pexels.com/photo/two-yellow-labrador-retriever-puppies-1108099/

Puppy training tips

Looking at this site will give you quick tips for training your pup. You can also get more tips below.

  1. Don’t skimp on the positive reinforcement. Like humans, puppies love positive reinforcement. Telling them they are doing great, and that you are proud of them helps as much as cuddling them when they nail their training sessions. Ensure to keep up the positive reinforcement even if they struggle to keep up with the training. It will ensure they stay encouraged to carry on.

  2. Short and sweet sessions. Puppies could be considered children in training because they will have a shorter attention span. It is smart to keep their sessions short and sweet so that they maintain attention and maintain interest. 

  3. Patience is key. Although it can be frustrating when your puppy does not follow the training procedures, it will learn quickly. Therefore, it is advised to stay patient and remain calm. It is for the benefit of yourself and the puppy. 

  4. Don’t be afraid to use different environments. You should never be afraid to use different environments if you worry your puppy might act up or be difficult to manage. It will benefit the puppy if you use various environments. It will ensure they will behave and follow the training procedures no matter where they are. 

  5. Training routines. Dogs love routines. It helps enhance their happiness and also ensures they stay well-behaved. Therefore, it is important to establish a routine when they are young. You could begin routine training by keeping training sessions frequent, on the same days, and at the same time. This consistency and organization will ensure they know when it is time to listen, be obedient, and behave. 

  6. Indoor training. You will likely take your training sessions outside, especially if you want your puppy to get used to other environments. However, you should attend inside-house training so that your pup gets used to your house rules and also for those days when you get stuck inside. Indoor training will ensure they maintain their good behavior and attitude when inside, which will be most of the time. It will benefit you and the puppy to establish house rules. 

How to care for your new puppy when they arrive

Below are some great tips to help you care for your puppy when they arrive home. 

  1. Prepare your home. When your puppy arrives home for the first time, your house should be organized for its arrival. Having a bed in place, feeder bowls set aside, and puppy-proofed areas will ensure that your house does not get ruined, and they know where they can and cannot go. Ensuring the house looks how you want it to while they get used to the environment will make them feel comfortable. If you start to change things after the puppy arrives home, they might not follow your house rules as closely, and you might not make them feel the most comfortable. 

  2. Stock up on the essentials. Every puppy will require certain things in the first few weeks and months. They will require food, medication, toys, and more to ensure they are fed, comfortable, and healthy. Getting stocked up pre-arrival will ensure you are well-organized and have everything prepared as and when they/you need it. It might hinder your puppy's happiness and health if you need to get popping to the shops or vets to pick up stock. Being there for your new puppy as much as possible will ensure they are happy and comfortable.

  3. Vaccinations. All puppies will require vaccinations. The previous owner might give them vaccinations. However, they might not. Be knowledgeable about the puppies' vaccination process and needs to ensure they are fully vaccinated and safe from harmful diseases. Getting the vaccinations immediately will ensure they are safe and protected against any bacteria when they go out and about. 

  4. Feeding routine. Every dog requires feeding, and establishing a routine will ensure they are obedient when you feed them and less fussy. Setting up a routine when they arrive home will help them know when to expect to eat and ensure they eat enough. Puppies might be fussy in the first few weeks of coming home, especially with food, so ensuring they have a routine can make them comfortable with eating the right food at the right time. 

  5. Sleep routine. Likewise, you should establish a sleep routine when your puppy arrives home. Doing so will help you and them. If they do not sleep well, it frustrates them and hinders their sleep pattern. What time your puppy sleeps will depend on your routine. If you like to sleep early, it can be a good idea to put them to bed and turn the lights low early in the evening to help them settle. 

  6. Establish an exercise pattern. Every dog will require a certain amount of exercise. The amount of exercise a dog needs will depend on its breed and size. You should check how much exercise your puppy needs in its early stages to determine how long to walk them. You should take them out as soon as they can go out so they can build up their immune system. 

  7. Get involved with other puppies. Dogs need and like to socialize. If you do not have other friends with dogs, it can be a good idea to take them to puppy classes. Doing so will ensure they socialize with other puppies and do not fear socializing when you take them outside. 

  8. Outside safety. Your puppy will want and need to spend a lot of time outside in your garden if you have one. Therefore, you need to ensure it is safe for them. Your puppy will be more likely to run off due to wanting to explore. To prevent this, it is a good idea to install fencing. If you already have fencing, you should ensure it is repaired and in good condition so that they cannot escape when they play outside. Any small gap in a fence could result in them running off and going missing. 

  9. Ensure you make a play area. Your puppy will enjoy playing at home as much as they enjoy it outside. Therefore, you should make a play area (whether in your living room or in the garden) so that they can play and have fun when they want to. Always ensure you set time aside out of your day to play with them so that they learn to play, which can help their growth and behavior. 

Following these simple tips will ensure you can efficiently train your new puppy and help them settle in when you first bring them home. Caring for your new puppy and taking the best care of its health and needs will improve its happiness, behavior, and growth. 

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