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5 Reasons Most Adults Choose Clear Aligners Over Braces

 If you are seeking an aligned smile, you’ve probably considered both braces and clear aligner treatments. Clear aligners and braces are the best-known ways to get a straighter smile. But braces are a centuries-old orthodontic method — so why are so many adults bypassing braces and flocking to clear aligners? In this article, we’ll highlight the five main reasons adults are choosing clear aligners over braces treatment. 

Reason #1: Convenience

Let’s face it — adults are busy. Between work, home responsibilities, relationships and fun, your calendar is probably pretty full. With so many commitments pulling you in different directions, it’s unlikely you’re eager to add frequent in-person appointments to the mix. Unfortunately, with braces treatment, you’ll need to attend appointments with orthodontists every 4–8 weeks. 

Thankfully, many clear aligner treatments don’t require such a major time commitment. With at-home clear aligner companies, you can complete clear aligner treatment from the comfort of your home. Without appointments clogging up your schedule, even someone with a long to-do list is sure to find time for treatment.

Reason #2: Appearance 

Most adults reach for clear aligners as a discreet alternative to traditional metal brackets. Appearance is subjective, but it seems like most people agree that it’s challenging to incorporate braces into their look. Even though clear aligners still sit on the front of your smile, they’re far less noticeable than traditional braces. 

Some people find braces undermine their desired professional image. After all, braces can be an unwanted distraction for people with customer-facing roles. Without bulky brackets and wires, clear aligners can help you keep your orthodontic treatment on a need-to-know basis.

Reason #3: Price

Any form of orthodontia will put a dent in your budget. That said, there’s no set price for braces treatment across providers. But your orthodontist needs to account for their time, expertise, and office expenses when they determine your cost. Depending on the type of braces you choose, you can end up paying $3,500–$10,000. 

Clear aligner treatments benefit from being able to be offered by remote providers. Without in-person appointments, these providers are able to charge significantly less for their services. At-home clear aligners can be found for as little as $1,145, so if you’re working within a tight budget, this option could be more manageable 

At-home clear aligners have a set price tag from the start. So you won’t be crossing your fingers during a consultation, not knowing what to expect like you might with braces treatment. Going in with knowledge of the final cost can help you budget and financially plan like you would any other expense. Plus, at-home clear aligners often have payment plans and financing options that help make the price tag a little more approachable. 

Reason #4: Lifestyle 

Incorporating any form of orthodontia into your life is an adjustment, but clear aligners present far fewer challenges than braces. Despite their sturdy appearance, braces are vulnerable to damage and breakage from foods that are chewy, hard, or sticky. Since you can easily remove clear aligners before meals, you won’t need to restrict your diet as you would with braces treatment. 

So if you love snacking on popcorn or chewing gum, braces treatment could mean parting with some of your favorite treats. But with clear aligners, you can just pop them out before a meal, then brush your teeth and clean your trays before replacing them. 

Your oral hygiene routines can continue as normal during clear aligner treatment since you can remove them and brush and floss them as normal. Braces, on the other hand, are known for being difficult to properly clean and maintain. Your daily oral hygiene routine will get longer, and you’ll need to learn to floss around your brackets.

Reason #5: Comfort 

All orthodontia comes with some aches and pains. After all, you’re moving your teeth from one place to another, so there’s bound to be a little discomfort. Since some discomfort is inherent to the process, many adults find themselves seeking a treatment that keeps additional discomfort to a minimum. 

This is probably obvious, but having a mouth full of metal isn’t the most comfortable experience on earth. Even though you may get used to the feeling over time, it can be annoying to feel constant friction between your cheeks and braces. Naturally, many adults prefer the feeling of smooth clear aligners. Though occasionally an aligner edge may feel a bit sharp, with the green light from your provider you can gently file the edge down until it’s more comfortable. 

Final Thoughts

Braces may be a suitable fit for some people, but these days most adults are opting for clear aligners for all the factors we outlined above. If you’re someone seeking affordable, convenient, and discreet treatment, clear aligners may be just your speed.

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