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Understanding Your Dog's Digestion: Key Things To Consider

Your dog’s digestion and diet play a key role in their overall health and wellbeing. Therefore, as a responsible dog owner, it’s crucial to get a better understanding of your pet’s digestion. From learning which foods you should avoid giving them to knowing when to contact your vet, there are a few key things to consider. It’s also important to monitor your dog’s digestive health on a regular basis to make sure you can spot any issues or signs that something might be wrong. Today we will take a closer look at a few steps that you can take to improve your pet’s digestion and health.

Think About The Food That You Give Them

Firstly, you may want to consider what types of food you usually give them. This is because there might be certain foods that can take longer to digest. In general, heavily processed food may be more difficult to digest in comparison to whole, fresh food. That's why knowing the nutritional facts about your pet's food is crucial before buying one.Also, sometimes you may feel tempted to give your dog food from your plate. However, this can lead to serious issues, so you should try to resist the temptation next time you are having dinner and your furry friend is looking at your food. You should avoid ingredients, which might be bad for your dog’s health, such as gluten, dairy products, or artificial additives.

Learn More About Digestive Issues

It’s essential to learn more about the most common digestive issues that your dog might experience so that you know what to do to help them feel better. For example, pancreatitis in dogs can become life-threatening, if left untreated. Therefore, it can be a good idea to find out more about canine pancreatitis so that you can recognize the signs and speak to your vet immediately. Thanks to Native Pet, you can also learn how to prevent pancreatitis from developing in the first place. You will also know what to expect if your dog receives a diagnosis of pancreatitis.

Choose The Right Ingredients

Staying away from harmful ingredients is key, but you should also focus on finding the best ingredients for your dog. Raw K9 barf dog food is one option worth considering for its nutritional benefits and natural ingredients. This might involve selecting dog food, that has been produced with the aim of being gentle on their digestive system. You should always give your dog food, which is easy to digest and free from things that are known to cause discomfort in dogs. For example, fish is one of the best protein sources you can go for to help your dog’s digestion. Alternatively, if your pet doesn’t like fish, you may consider giving them chicken or turkey.

Incorporate Exercise Into Their Routine

Exercise is another key part of your dog’s digestion, as it can help your pet maintain a healthy body. The more energy your dog exerts, the faster they will be able to process and digest food. This can help you prevent your dog from developing digestive issues. Depending on your dog’s age and breed, they may have different needs when it comes to physical activity. There are many great activities that you can encourage them to do, such as long walks, running, and jumping. Typically, it’s best to exercise with your dog before meals to avoid canine indigestion after food has been consumed.

Keep Your Dog’s Digestion In Top Shape

You should always strive to improve your dog’s digestion every day. Thankfully, there are a few things you can start doing. Consider giving them probiotic supplements to ensure that their digestive tract is working as it should. Also, you should avoid using unnecessary digestive enzymes unless your vet has recommended them. Make sure you notify your vet, if you notice anything unusual with your dog’s stool production. If your dog doesn’t get enough dietary fiber, this can have a negative impact on their digestive rate.

Ensure They Are Hydrated

Hydration is an important aspect of your pet’s nutrition, that often gets overlooked. However, drinking enough water is crucial for their overall health. Staying hydrated can help your dog boost their metabolism. Also, it’s one of the best ways to prevent them from getting constipation. To encourage your dog to drink more water, it’s advisable to keep their water fresh and clean. Make it as accessible as possible by placing different bowls throughout the house. Always have some water on hand when you are going out with them.

Know When To Call The Vet

Last but not least, you should ensure you know when to contact your vet, because in some cases you might not be able to improve your dog’s digestion at home. For example, if your pet is experiencing diarrhea or vomiting, which hasn’t subsided in the last 24 hours, they should be treated by a vet. According to Care Vet Hospital, other alarming signs to look out for include fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, bloated belly, or bloody stool. After all, you know your dog better than anyone, so don’t hesitate to seek help, if you need it. 

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