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#WeekdaySupper Chicken and Veggies Packets

For summer weekday meals, I love to use the grill.  It is so easy to turn on the gas, let it heat up and prepping the ingredients indoors.  The heat stays outside instead of inside my kitchen, which is an added bonus!

These foil packets first became popular with my family when we were camping.  We always looked for easy to make, delicious meals with fast clean up.  It occurred to me that I might like those same qualities at home and so we started making these foil packets, especially during the summer.

There are endless possibilities for these packet dinners.  Experiment with your family to find their favorites.  We love BBQ and using our favorite sauce makes this a treat for all of us!

BBQ Chicken Packets

by Terri Steffes

  • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into strips
  • 2 c of your favorite BBQ sauce
  • 2 T honey
  • 4 sprigs rosemary, about 2" long
  • 1 onion chopped into large pieces
  • 1 red, yellow or orange pepper chopped into large pieces
  • 4 small potatoes sliced about 1/4 inch
  • 8 baby carrots sliced in half length wise
  • 4 large pieces of heavy duty aluminum foil
Heat grill to medium high.
Chop potatoes and carrots, place into a microwave safe dish and microwave 2 minutes.
Chop the rest of the veggies and prepare the chicken.
Lay the four pieces of foil on the countertop. Work in an assembly line fashion.
Place 2 T of BBQ sauce in the center the foil and lay slices of chicken breast on top of the sauce.
Season chicken with salt and pepper.
Add another 2 T of BBQ on top of chicken.
Drizzle with honey.
Arrange vegetables on top of each chicken breast.
Season veggies.
Spoon BBQ sauce over chicken and veggies.
Place rosemary stem on top of veggies and chicken.
Bring the short ends of the foil together and fold twice. Fold in sides to seal, leaving room for steam.
Cook for 10 minutes on one side, gently turn packets over and cook for 10 more minutes.

For more #WeekdaySuppers for this week, visit these sites for wonderful meals!

Monday - Grilled Chicken with Brie and Bacon by Recipes Food and Cooking
Tuesday - Cuban Quinoa Bowl with Grilled Sweet Potato and Plantain and Avocado-Mango Salsa by Caroline's Cooking
Wednesday - Hawaiian Pizza Quesadillas by The Dinner-Mom
Thursday - Taco Burgers by Cookin' Mimi
Friday - BBQ Chicken and Veggies Packets by Our Good
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