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Avoid Snow Damage!

If you live in a northern and cold region, you may be blessed with a thick and lovely layer of snow. Snow can disturb traffic and businesses, but there’s something magical about it that immediately puts a smile on our faces. Snow is synonymous with playful times and innocence. The mind reminds us of that time when we were young and built a snowman in the garden or made snow angels in the backyard with our siblings. Besides, if you grew up in a mountainous area, you’re probably familiar with some skiing and snowboarding techniques. In short, it’s hard to think of snow as a negative thing when it’s been a huge part of our fun childhood memories. However, as a homeowner, you need to be careful. Snowy regions record the highest rate of weather damage in residential suburbs. Indeed, just because it’s fun, it doesn’t mean it can’t affect your household. Here are some of the things you need to be aware of if you want to protect your home against snow damage:


Make sure you can clear it easily

As a homeowner, your responsibility is to clear your driveway and porch. Ultimately, leaving the snow in front of your home could be a dangerous option, as it might melt during the day and freeze again at night. If you don’t want to break a leg on your slippery porch in the next morning, you need to make sure you can clear it as quickly and efficiently as possible. That’s where maintaining a clean driveway comes in handy. You can use pressure washing services to keep the surface smooth and clear so that you don’t have to struggle to push the snow off the ground. Additionally, residues can provide a grip to hard snow and ice, which can lead to damage to the underlying surface. Dirt and grime on your driveway and paved yard can facilitate moisture infiltration as they secure the snow on the spot.

Don’t give frost a grip on your roof

The same principle of dirt and grime also applies to your roof and gutters. Indeed, if you provide snow with a gripping surface, it’s going to accumulate and affect the area. Residues on the roof mean that the snow will stay on the surface when it melts, rather than flow down the gutter. Similarly, keeping your gutters clear is essential to the safety of your household. Indeed, when the gutters are clogged up, the melted snow can’t evacuate. As a result, it remains stagnant icy water, which can freeze overnight and damage the gutter. You have to remember that frozen water expands, which makes it more likely to tear the installation. Additionally, if the melted snow can’t run through the gutter, it might pour along the side and against the exterior wall, which in the long term may lead to water infiltration.

All-year garden furniture needs love

If you are counting the days until spring to use your favorite garden lounge, you need to make sure your outdoor furniture is still in working condition. Leaving your furniture outside in winter is never a good idea. Ideally, you want to store it away for protection. There is no secret: If you leave your garden furniture snowed in, it’s unlikely to last long. But if you can’t stack and store your chairs in a safe area, you need to help them fight off the snow. Removing any dirt residues will ensure that the snow can’t get any grip on the smooth surface. As a result, your garden chairs will be easier to clean. For metal and wooden items, you can also add a protective coat of specialist varnish.

Stop your fence from rotting

Is there anything more appealing than a bright and colorful garden fence in spring? If you want your fence to look its best, you need to make sure the wood is protected from winter damage. Ideally, weather-resistant material and paint need to be on top of your list. But it’s not all. But it’s not all. Avoiding contact with the soil, through a concrete block, for instance, can reduce the risk of decay caused by a thick layer of snow.

Wash the car!!!

Snow can lead to corrosion in your car. Indeed, keeping your car clean will reduce grp and therefore ensure that the snow can melt off the vehicle rather than causing wet patches on the surface. Additionally, if you drive in winter, you need to make sure you wash your car regularly to avoid the accumulation of road salt. Indeed, this can accelerate tear and wear on the body.

Use JennyChem car wash buckets to get the job done.  

When it comes to protecting your household against snow, most homeowners focus on their heating and waterproofing strategies. However, keeping your exterior and vehicle clean and smooth can prevent many irreparable damages from snowfall.

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