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4 Practical Ways To Reduce The Effect Of Your Allergy Symptoms

 Fifty million Americans live with allergy issues, and reports indicate that a little over 1 million have no idea what triggers their episode. It can be pretty challenging being part of the latter group, especially when all you want is for the allergy to disappear. In the meantime, here are a few things you can do to keep your allergy symptoms at bay.

  1. Know your triggers and keep a record

According to The Asthma and Allergy Foundation for America (AAFA), there are several triggers that people do not seem to know about. However, the common ones are pollen, dust mite, animal dander, and mold. While some people experience theirs seasonally, others have theirs only in specific, confined spaces like the home. Therefore, when you notice itchy eyes, runny nose, and other allergy symptoms at home, it is time to do your checks. The culprit could be your ventilation system. In that case, you may need a professional to carry out a thorough air duct cleaning.

Sometimes, to discover your triggers, consider keeping a record of your symptoms and when and where they occurred. Once a pattern is established, it can be easy to watch those triggers while taking crucial steps to minimize exposure.

  1. Keep prescribed allergy medications on hand

Fortunately, there are several over-the-counter medications you can purchase to treat allergy symptoms. However, if this is your first time buying an OTC allergy drug, it would be helpful to contact the physician first. The last thing you want is to compound an existing allergy problem with a drug-induced one. On the other hand, if you are not a first-time buyer, it is usually recommended to stick to the medications that always worked for you.

Some medications come in the form of nasal decongestants, while others are oral. Whatever yours is, the AAFA advises that allergy-prone individuals should make it a habit to keep these medications on hand for immediate use when exposed to a trigger. Moreover, these prescribed medications are supposed to be used only as directed.

  1. Mask up when outdoors

This may not look too strange, especially when people wear nose masks a lot more due to the pandemic. For your peculiar case, masking up when outdoors can increase your protection. For example, you can mask up when mowing the lawn or just taking a walk with your pet dogs at the park. That protective barrier can reduce your chances of experiencing another allergy bout by more than half. 

  1. Maintain periodic physician visits

Some allergies can be so severe that the family physician may refer you to an allergist. This is particularly important when symptoms last for more than five days. In instances where discomfort persists after taking allergy-relieving medications, you will be safer seeing the specialist to rule out any other condition.

To conclude, be deliberate about keeping your home trigger-free when you have allergies. If you find yourself away from home, it will help to take mindful precautions.

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