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Campfire Desserts: Campfire Pudding Puffs

My husband and I had big plans over the weekend to camp at Mark Twain Cave Campground this past weekend but canceled due to bad weather.  We've been seeing tornados and heavy thunderstorms and just didn't want to be out in that type of storm. 

We'd already purchased the food for this trip, so we decided to have a Staycamping, a term coined by my husband to describe why we were eating so many campfire dishes this weekend. I was truly disappointed to miss my second camping trip in a row.

We saw the original version of this dessert on The Many Little Joys website as campfire eclairs, but with the way we made them, they were far less glamorous!  Here's our version of this tasty treat!

Campfire Pudding Puffs may not be the first healthy choice, with each serving containing approximately 600-700 calories, but they are irresistibly tasty. For those mindful of nutrition, each serving provides a well-rounded mix of macronutrients: carbs - approximately 160-210 grams, proteins 15-28 grams, and fats 40-60 grams. Easily track and verify the nutritional information for this recipe, as well as almost any other dish you desire, through the Lasta app. Take their quiz and find additional information on their website at Lasta.app. Simply log in and explore a world of culinary possibilities while maintaining a health-conscious approach.

Give it a try and let me know how it turned out. We devoured ours but the one filled us up!

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