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Secrets to a Sweet Smelling Home


Pexels - CCO Licence

No one wants their home to smell funky, but it is a much more common problem than we would like to admit.

Many of us think that spraying air fresheners or lighting candles is a good easy to get rid of bad odors and make our homes smell sweet, however, this can backfire and the scent of the candles can mingle with the bad odors instead of getting rid of them. That is why it is much better to tackle the root causes of the smell problem if you want your home to be as sweet-smelling as possible.

Deep clean the home

Start by deep cleaning your home to get rid of any dust, dirt, or gunk that could be causing unpleasant odors to be emitted. I mean, really clean your home, get into every nook, and don’t stop until the place is spotless.

Keep pests under control

Pest control is really important if you want your home to smell sweet. When you have an infestation, the smell of the pests and their droppings can be overwhelming, so the sooner you deal with them, the better.

Focus on soft furnishings

Where may homeowners go wrong when they are trying to banish bad odors from their home is not doing anything about soft furnishings. Things like rugs, curtains, and couches can trap unpleasant odors in the fabric, which are then released in the room to cause funky odors. By regularly cleaning and washing them, you can ensure that your home never smells bad. Just make sure you follow the care instructions when doing so because soft furnishings can be quite delicate.      

Deal with humidity issues

If your home is too humid, then it could cause areas of dampness to form, which can smell bad in their own right, and which can encourage mold growth, which will make your home smell very musty indeed. Running a dehumidifier, regularly opening the windows to let fresh air circulate, and treating any areas of dampness professionally will all help to lower your home’s moisture levels for a sweeter smell.        

Open the windows

It’s an obvious point, but opening the windows to let stale air out and fresh air in is one of the simplest things you can do to get your home smelling sweeter, especially if you have a garden full of beautifully smelling plants and flowers.       

Take the trash out

Taking the trash out regularly, especially in summer, is another obvious thing that will help you to keep your home smelling sweet, but it’s not just the trash, things like diaper pails. Cast litter, pet beds, and other common causes of household smells should regularly be removed from the home or cleaned to avoid them causing a funky odor in your home.

Light a candle

Once you're done all that, your home should be smelling pretty neutral, so now you can light a candle or spray a favorite scent to achieve the aroma you want for your home.

Now that you know the secrets to sweet-smelling hoe, you will never need to be embarrassed by your home’s funk again!

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