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Tips and Ideas to Keep your Garden Tidy

 Your garden space provides tremendous benefit. It’s a space where you can unwind, surrounded by greenery. It’s a space where you can pursue leisure activities. And, if you know what you’re doing, it’s somewhere that can even provide you with fresh ingredients for your kitchen. Gorgeous gardens need to be kept tidy and one way of doing so is using a leaf blower.

A space this useful deserves to be kept clear and tidy. This is an ongoing struggle for many homeowners – but even if you’ve allowed things to slip a little bit, you can get back on top of it with a one-off effort.

Garden Tidy-Up Tips and Ideas

So, how do you approach a garden tidy-up?

Your first step should be to break the task down into a list of smaller ones, and get them out into a logical order. It might be a good idea to do this with the help of a pen and paper. Think about what you’d like to end up with. Do you want a garden that’s functional, or beautiful? Do you want to be able to accommodate decking, or outbuildings? Your plan should include a rough layout of your garden. You can be as loose or precise as you like with this.

Having gotten a list of tasks, it’s time to work out the order in which you’ll be doing them. Since this is a garden, you’re going to be influenced by the time of year and the weather. Different plants and flowers will need to be gotten into the ground at particular times. By writing out a schedule, you’ll be sure that you won’t miss your opportunity.

Get rid of moss and lichen

Scrubbing your pathways and paving stones with a tough-bristle brush will help to eradicate moss. This is something that you should be doing around once a month – if you stay on top of it, and brush up afterwards, it’s easy.

Deal with fallen leaves

If you’ve got deciduous trees in your garden, then you’ll need to deal with fallen leaves. You can either rake these up, or you can break out the battery-powered leaf blower. You can use what you collect as compost. Speaking of which…


You should have an area of your garden set aside for composting. This might be an enclosed bin, or a simple box made from wooden beams.

Trimming Hedges

Your hedges will grow rapidly, and so this is a task that should probably scheduled at least once a month. A hedge trimmer with a telescopic extension will make this task much easier.


This should be an ongoing task, as you won’t know in advance where pruning is necessary. Look for dead and tired-looking branches and prune them. You might set aside a period every time you head out into the garden to do this.

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