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Mushroom Burger with Chipotle Mayo

Break out the pool toys and get the grill fired up, it's May and it is time for National Hamburger Month! This is the perfect time to start experimenting with the burgers you are going to make for Memorial Day and I have several others below that will make your mouth water for a delicious burger.

hambuger on a bun

This burger is made with grass-fed beef from our local farmers' market.  We love the taste of this meat and can tell right away that it is a better product for you to consume.  We also get our mushrooms from the same farmer's market. In fact, the veggies for the toppings and even the buns are all locally sourced.  You ought to do this too if it is available to you.  

The chipotle mayo is so good, that you may need to lock it up after lunch.  This is seriously addicting, so plan on sharing the recipe.  Have your recipe cards at the ready.  It adds a delightful spicy edge to the woodsy mushroom burger.

Altogether, this is a keeper.  The mushrooms keep the burger juicy and tasty.  Try it and let me know what you think!

More hamburgers for National Hamburger Month here:

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  1. I love that you mix the mushrooms right into the burger. They sound fantastic.

  2. Wow, these burgers have so much flavor with mushrooms, onions, balsamic, and spices. I'm sure my family would love these.

  3. The meat and veggies straight from the farm to your table, that is awesome.Waiting for our farmers' week to begin for some organic veggies and produce. With natural flavours and the spices added, the burgers must be so flavourful and delicious.

  4. Delicious and flavor filled burger!


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