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Six Easy Ways to Make Your Hone Brighter

Photo by Kara Eads on Unsplash

There are many things you can do to keep your place feel bigger and brighter so that you don't feel cramped when spending time at home, whether you have a small room or one that merely feels small to you, and the best part is that most of them don't take much time, effort, or money...

Don't Leave Space Wasted

Call The electrician to add lighting to your garage so you can actually use the space as extra storage, turn that empty corner in the sitting room into a reading nook, and clean out the basement so you can turn it into a kids' playroom. Most of us have a lot of space that isn't being used to its full potential, some big and some tiny, but by utilising it, we can make our homes feel much larger than they did before.

Declutter As Much As Possible

Decluttering is another thing that can help open up your room and make it feel a lot brighter. Getting rid of anything you don't need or enjoy is a terrific way to free up the floor area, but it will also make the room feel lighter because there will be fewer piles of books, toys, or anything else is blocking the flow of light throughout the house.

Take it one area at a time if you have a lot of clutter; before you realise it, you'll have a much brighter and bigger feeling house without spending any money. 

Use Your Walls For Storage

Raising bookcases, bedside tables, and other such items off the ground and onto the walls is a really simple method to make your house feel more spacious. This works by increasing the amount of usable floor space in your home, giving you greater flexibility to walk around without colliding with clutter.

Make Use Of Mirror Magic

The mirror is your best friend when it comes to making your home feel bigger and brighter. When you position a mirror in a room, this allows us to reflect any light that is present around the space, quickly brightening it. Not only that but also reflects parts of the room at you, making the space feel even bigger. You'll be shocked at how much of a difference a mirror makes in each area, ideally opposite the windows to optimise light.

Choose Furniture That Is Low To The Ground

Low-to-the-ground furniture, on the other hand, takes up less wall space, making your walls appear taller than they are. You will not gain any physical space, but you will feel as though you have.

Use Bright And Light Colours

Light and airy colours of white, cream, and grey are often better for giving a space a feeling of spaciousness. If you prefer colour, bright pillows, rugs, and other decorations can be used to add to the design.

As you can see, enlarging your little rooms is very simple. Do you have any other tips that could be useful? Please share a few in the comments below. 

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