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Weather Roofing Issues in North Atlanta and How To Prevent Them

 You may already have noticed some strange roofing issues on your property that might need some serious looking into. If you're a homeowner in North Atlanta, then you know that the weather can be quite unpredictable. One day it might be sunny and warm, and the next day you might wake up to a winter wonderland!

This variability can cause problems for your roofing system, which is why it's important to be aware of common weather roofing issues and know how to deal with them. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most prevalent weather-related roofing problems in North Atlanta and provide advice on how to deal with them.

Photo by Dan Gold from Unsplash


#1: Wearing out of membranes

Your roof's membrane, which is made up of layers beneath your shingles or tiles, can erode over time as a result of varying temperatures and increasing dampness. This roofing component holds responsibility for keeping water out in the first place. If your property's membrane has deteriorated due to usage, you'll be susceptible to damage during harsh conditions.

How to deal with it?

Keep an eye out for any leaking within the house. If you notice any extra dampness, have a professional inspect the roof's condition since this is something you shouldn't try to fix yourself. Experts like Mighty dog roofing in North Atlanta can do the job for you and will help you fix it like new.

As a result, you'll know exactly what's going on with the leaks. It's better to act quickly so that mold doesn't develop.

#2: Condensation

One of the most prevalent weather roofing issues that go unrepaired is condensation caused by insufficient ventilation. Warm interior air meets the cold underside of a roof exposed to winter conditions, causing condensation. It can cause mildew and mold growth as well as a musty odor.

How to deal with it?

The best approach to avoid roof condensation is to properly vent your roofing compartment. Good ventilation allows for maximum airflow. It combats condensation by lowering the amount of heated air that comes into contact with the cold roof.

#3: Animal nesting problem

When the temperature fluctuates dramatically, you will notice a strange wildlife activity. That's because most animals seek out warmer climates during the colder months, and houses provide ideal shelters. If there are gaps in the roofing or siding, wild animals may have made their way inside.

How to deal with it?

Try to keep your eyes and ears open for indications that an infestation is present. Strange sounds, animal droppings, and pest sightings are some of the indicators. Insects like ants and termites attack in the spring, causing additional issues.

Once the pests are removed, you must figure out how they entered your property. This is usually owing to structural defects that must be addressed as quickly as possible. Otherwise, you'll keep having the same issues.

#4: Damming of ice

Ice dams on roofs in North Atlanta are a no surprise and are caused by rapid temperature changes. When upper portions of the roof are warm enough to melt accumulated snow while lower portions remain below freezing, an ice dam forms. Water trickles down the roof and eventually freezes, creating an ice dam in which the edge of the roof meets the gutter system.

How to deal with it?

Ice dams can be prevented by properly ventilating the roof and increasing insulation to keep the top of the roof from getting too hot. However, since packing insulation tightly against the roof restricts airflow and encourages condensation, such a practice should not be done.

#5: Shingle misalignment

Roofs can last anywhere from 15 to 60 years, allowing them to withstand nearly everything you put them through. They still require upkeep, especially during harsh winters. Certain materials will also have to be replaced at times due to weather roofing issues that will start bugging them.

That’s mostly true for roof shingles, which often curl and crack after experiencing chilly temperatures.

How to deal with it?

When it comes to your home's roof in the spring, keep an eye out for shingle problems. Try to have a thorough inspection of the physical condition of your roof. Take note of any broken, misaligned, or warped tiles for these can cause serious problems. Try to inform your roofing maintenance partners to know what measures to be taken.

Also, it's a good idea to clean your gutters since you can see things better from that perspective.

#6: Leakage through flashings

Around chimneys, vents, pipes, and roof edges, for example, are all those aluminum pieces that make up a roof flashing. Roof flashing is used to bridge the gaps between roofing materials and exposed subsurfaces to prevent moisture entry. It is susceptible to high winds and ice formation.

How to deal with it?

Fluid leaks are typical in the winter as a result of the freeze-thaw cycle. Flashing is also susceptible to age-related corrosion. Before winter, ice, and wind arrive, inspecting and repairing leaks before they occur is necessary.

#7: Icicle invasion

When the snow melts, water from the gutters drips down the roof and forms icicles. Water is cold enough to freeze only during its descent. Icicles form as a result of this process, and if it isn't stopped, they may grow in length.

Photo by Ilona Frey from Unsplash


How to deal with it?

Gutters should be kept clear of leaves and other debris during the fall, and ventilation and insulation measures should be employed. A snow rake with a long handle that may be used to remove snow and ice from the edges of the roof is also useful.

#8: Strong and harsh winds

In the spring or any season in North Atlanta, high winds and severe weather can both lead to horrible weather roofing issues. Strong winds may lift or roll back shingles; they can cause flashing to peel away; they can drive moisture into roof vents.

How to deal with it?

Unfortunately, there is little that property owners can do to prevent wind damage and mother nature's natural forces. The greatest thing to do is to plan ahead of time so that you're not caught off guard when severe weather strikes.

#9: Threats from tree limbs and branches

Roofing in the winter climate is always at risk in such areas. A location with a lot of thick trees, for example, has a higher hazard of having tree trunks posing an additional danger to roofing materials.

Tree limbs may scrape the gritty surface of asphalt shingles; they can raise them up and allow moisture to seep beneath. A large tree limb falling from a considerable distance away can even puncture roofing materials.

How to deal with it?

Preventing limb damage is as simple as winter and fall pruning trees. Any branches within 6 feet or so on the roof should be taken care of.

It's worth noting that some roof damage is unavoidable. It's difficult to predict how things will look in the spring, especially after a particularly harsh winter. Nonetheless, you may take the measures listed above to ensure minimum weather roofing issues.

Don't let roofing concerns ruin your enjoyment of spring. You should address any problems as soon as they appear so you can avoid additional issues. Contact the guys from Mighty dog roofing in North Atlanta and let them take care of your roof and gutters throughout all seasons. After all, no one wants to have a stifling, problematic roof on a sweltering summer or a freezing winter day!

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