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Face Creams 101: What You Need To Know for Your Skin

Caring for your skin is essential. It is also pretty simple though there are so many products and ideas out there that it can be overwhelming. Proper nutrition and hydration are critical. Without these factors, the result may be skin issues. There are many products available also that can be useful. Below is some helpful information to know to keep your skin healthy.

Increase Healthy Fats & Decrease Oil

Essential fatty acids are necessary for healthy skin. Omega 3 and Omega 6 are examples of fatty acids that are fundamental to supporting healthy cell membranes. They are needed to keep the skin hydrated, which helps the skin appear plumper and younger. If your skin lacks essential fatty acids, it will be dry and inflamed. It will also be more prone to blackheads and whiteheads. These oils can even decrease your chance of stroke and heart disease and may reduce joint pain and depression!

Where can you find these essential fatty acids? Omega 3 is in foods like salmon, sardines, flax, walnuts, and sunflower oil. Omega 6 is in foods such as poultry, grains and cooking oils. Although essential fatty acids are needed as part of a healthy diet, oily skin might be your issue.

Sebum is an oily substance produced that hydrates and protects the skin. However, an overproduction of sebum can clog pores and contribute to acne. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to manage oily skin without medication.

        Wash - Use gentle soap without fragrances and added components that can irritate your skin. Stay away from friction such as from loofahs or rough washcloths. If needed, try medicated products that contain acids to help decrease the oil. 

        Facial Masks - Facial masks made with oatmeal, clay, and honey can gently absorb and counteract the extra oil from your skin. Some also have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

        Medicated Pads and Blotting Papers - These absorb oils from the skin and can make your face appear less shiny. Some also include acid to help clean the skin. 

        Toner - Choose a natural astringent such as witch hazel. This can also act as a natural anti-inflammatory. Anything with alcohol as an ingredient may cause irritation and can dry your skin out. 

        Moisturizers - The right moisturizer is critical to keep your skin moist and protected. Stay away from oil-based moisturizers, which add to the oil build-up issue. Niacinamide in skin care is a great option to get started.

Get Rid of Inflammation for Good

There are different treatments for skin inflammation. What you need depends on the cause. Home remedies include tea tree oil, cool compresses, oatmeal applications, and creams. Vitamin D is a supplement that may help treat inflammation. Keeping stress to a minimum is another remedy to get rid of inflammation.

There are oral options such as antihistamines, antifungals, and antibiotics. Topical methods such as hydrocortisone, immunomodulatory and corticosteroid creams may help treat your inflammation. Try azelaic cream for the inflammation. It also has many other benefits that may be useful for your skin.

Keep your skin healthy to prevent issues from occurring. Find what you need at Foundation Skin Care to help get you moving in the right direction.

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