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How to Get Your Home Ready for Winter

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Check your home to see what you can do to conserve energy and money as energy prices are expected to climb this year. You'd be surprised at how much energy you can save by making a few easy adjustments. 

Winter concerns like burst pipes can cause damage during extremely cold weather, so preparing your home for winter involves more than just keeping warm and keeping the cold out. Fortunately for most people, this type of water damage is typically covered by building insurance, but financial assistance cannot take away the stress and turmoil. Follow these precautions as soon as possible to avert a winter disaster, remain warm, and save money on electricity. 

Purchase a carbon monoxide detector

Poorly installed or neglected household appliances, such as stoves, ovens, heaters, and boilers, are likely to leak carbon monoxide. This is a particular issue in the winter when we use these items more, close our windows, and have less ventilation in our houses. Even if you're not a landlord, it's wise to have a carbon monoxide alarm because it's legally required for private landlords to have one installed and frequently tested.

Gutter cleaning 

The gutter's sole purpose is to divert rainfall away from the roof so that it can be dumped into a drain. It won't be able to accomplish this if it's blocked. If rainfall runs off the side of your house or if your walls appear to be discoloured, you'll know you have a problem. These obstructions are typically caused by moss, leaves, or twigs from bird nests. It's crucial to make sure that rainwater can be effectively drained from your home because water might result in mould and dampness.

Examine your roof

How recently have you inspected your roof? Immediately and completely, if it has been a while. You won't know how harmful a tiny problem can be without conducting a thorough investigation. For instance, little flaws and weak points that at first don't seem dangerous might develop into much bigger issues, leaving your roof prone to snow and ice damage. These may result in mold growth, wood damage, and leaks. By regularly inspecting your roof, you can make sure you get roof repair before they worsen.

Examine the tree branches

Check your property for branches that are growing over any power lines, the garage, the driveway, or the home. Those could fall during a storm and do significant damage. Branches rubbing against one another may also break. Also look for symptoms of dead limbs, such as dead leaves that are still attached to the tree even after the rest of it has lost them, numerous smooth places where the bark has fallen off, or regions where mushrooms have developed. Don't hesitate to see an arborist if you notice something unusual.

Mulch flower beds 

All of your flower beds should have a layer of hardwood mulch added before the worst winter temperatures arrive. At this time of year, mulching aids in controlling seasonal variations in soil temperature. The mulch serves as insulation, protecting the plants from upcoming extremely low temperatures. Without it, plants risk dying and their roots becoming seriously damaged.

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