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Bathroom Storage Ideas You Need to Know


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The bathroom is one of those spaces that often has a lot of stuff in it, especially if you are into taking good care of your skin and hair. Sadly the bathroom is also usually one of the smallest rooms in the home, which means that it can often become a little cluttered if we are not careful.

If you have a lot of lotions and potions, and not enough bathroom, then no matter how special your custom bathroom design is or how much space you have, things can get messy. The good news is, there are lots of creative bathroom storage ideas that can help you keep the space calm, tranquil and clutter-free, including the following:

Storage ladders

Storage ladders are small, usually wooden ladders, which you can use to display towels on. When it comes to neat bathroom solutions, they are top of the list because, as you will know, ladders are not very bulky at all, and displaying your pretty towels on each tung will add some color, warmth, and softness to the room. What’s not to love?

Under-bath storage

If you install a removable bath panel, then it is possible to store bits and pieces underneath the bath itself ready to access when you need them. The bath panel will hide them safely out of view, and you will be able to slide it off whenever you need access.

If you’re looking to remodel, looking for bathtubs with storage underneath would also be another option.

Magnetic strips

Installing one or more magnetic strips on the will of your bathroom can be sensible as it will enable you to easily store metal objects like razors, bobby pins, hair clips, and other bathroom essentials safely away on the wall without having to install any bulky shelves or cabinets that could take up too much space and ruin your bathroom design.

Over-toilet shelving units

If you are short on space in the bathroom, then a shelving unit that has been specifically designed to fit around your toilet is can be a godsend. It will enable you to store things like plants, shampoos, and towels high up above the toilet, which would otherwise be dead space, allowing you to free up more room in the bathroom for relaxation.

Clear storage bins

Clear storage bins are an excellent solution for clutter in any room, but they work particularly well in the bathroom because they enable you to quickly identify where your shampoo is or where you have put your face towel, so you can stay cool, calm, and relaxed without having to root through everything to find what you need. 

Not only that but lots of the bottles and stiff in the bathroom are pretty decorative so using clear bins means you can show them off and create the fancy spa feel while still keeping everything neatly organized.

Mason jars

If you are looking for something to store your q-tips, tooth tablets, and other smaller bathroom item in, then mason jars are ideal. They take up very little space and can be made more interesting by painting them with glass paint or adding ribbons and labels to each jar. They will also sit nicely on the side of the bath or on a floating shelf above the sink, for example, so they do not end up being too intrusive.

Storage mirrors

Most of us will want to have a mirror in our bathroom so we can see what we are doing when we are applying skincare products or shaving or doing our hair. These days, you can get some really attractive mirrors that also contain storage whether in the form of a shelf below or a sort of cabinet behind. It makes sense to kill two birds with one stone by investing in one or more of these mirrors to increase your bathroom storage capacity.

Storage tables

Having a small side table by the bath is great for placing candles and plants on. If it is a storage table, you can also use it to keep a few towels on underneath the tabletop, and it will not only be p[rscticsal, but it will help you to create a more calming and attractive bathroom space that works for you, too.

As you can see, when it comes to the bathroom, there is no end of neat storage solutions that will help you keep your shampoos, shower gels, skincare potions, and pretty much anything else, from taking over the space and overwhelming you, so what are you waiting for? Time to start imp[roving your bathroom storage today.

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