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How to Write, Create, and Publish a Manifestation Journal

 How do you manifest the things you want in life? Many people use manifestation journals. Creating such a journal can help you to focus on and visualize your wishes. In turn, that can help your dreams come true. So, let’s take a look at how to get started.

Image source: https://pixabay.com/photos/female-diary-journal-write-865110/

Buy or Make a Journal

First things first. You need a journal to write in.


You can find a wide variety of journals and notebooks on the market to use. It’s important that you buy a journal that has a design that is appealing to you, as it will help you think of your journal as a private and comfortable place where you can jot down your feelings and wishes.


You could even make a journal yourself to make it completely personal. Look up ways of binding and creating notebooks online if you would prefer to make a journal from scratch.

Create a List of Your Goals

The first step in manifesting your wishes is to put them down on paper. When you write down your goals in ink in a tangible book, it gives your goals a sense of permanency and it will be easier to focus on them to attain the successful outcomes you want to achieve.


Begin by listing just a few of the things you want to manifest. It will then be easier to keep your mind focused on your goals and achieve manifesting your wishes. Once you have attained some of your goals, you can use your journal to create an updated list and begin the manifestation process again. If you find it challenging to start this journey, you can always have an option to hire a writing coach in order for you to be guided especially if you have plans to publish your work.

Make a List of Things You Are Thankful for

Many people believe in spiritual laws that reward you for being thankful for the things you already have.


Even on a subconscious level, if you focus on the things in your life that you are grateful for, it will be easier to remain confident about achieving the goals on your list. So, use your manifestation journal to write a list of things you are thankful for.

Use Your Journal to Explore Your Feelings

You can also write in your manifestation journal in the way that you would any other type of journal.


It’s a good idea to regularly jot down your feelings to help you get stuff out of your system and remain confident and self-empowered in life. In turn, it will be easier to manifest the things on your list.

Create a Vision Board

It can be easier to focus on the things you want to manifest and make your dreams come true by having visual representations to look at. So, after you have created your list of goals in your journal, create a vision board that you can add to your book.


For instance, if your goal is to live in a big house by the sea, publish a book, and meet the partner of your dreams, you could use images that represent each of those things. Having images of the things you want to manifest gathered together on one vision board is a great stepping stone to making those things happen.


Thankfully, it’s easy to choose different layouts and create photo collages in one click for your journal’s vision board when you use an excellent free online image editing platform like BeFunky.


You can also make use of BeFunky’s other tools to create other design elements for your journal. You can even use them to create a bespoke cover for your journal, to make it even more personal.

Publish a Manifestation Journal

Once you have created your own personal manifestation journal, you might like to consider making and selling journals that others can use to help them manifest their goals.


By selling manifestation journals online, you could create a good passive income. You could then potentially invest that money into helping your dreams come true.

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