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Could Your Garden Do With Some Rearranging?

 It’s easy for a garden to get messy. Not only is it exposed to the elements all year long, but things can get blown in with a gale and potting waste can really pile up. That’s why it’s so crucial to do a bit of rearranging every now and then. Just like the garage, the garden requires some careful organization; think of it as another room in your home and you’ll be dying to get out there and tidy things up! But where do you start?

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Cut Back Shrubbery

Most gardens have some kind of shrubbery growing in them. Next to the fence (or in place of one), round the lawn, or where you’ve planted shrubs deliberately to section off the garden into separate areas. And we recommend using natural plant borders like these! 

But now these plants have grown big and bushy, cutting them back is the best move to take before you do anything else. Not only will this give you more garden to work with, but you’ll have a proper overview of the amount of debris currently littering the space. There’s a lot of stuff that can disappear under a hedge!  

Fit a Shed

If you don’t have one in your garden already, buying at least a small shed and/or shopping for shed bases is a good start for rearranging your garden. Not only does a shed give you a kind of focal point for the rest of the garden to exist around, but you now have a closed off storage area that’ll prove very useful. Store tools, excess plant pots, bags of fertiliser, and whatever else you have that’s littering your yard right now. 

Track the Sun

The sun moves across the sky no matter where you live in the world, but depending on how big your garden is and what orientation it’s facing, you might only get a couple of hours of sunlight per day. This is something to keep in mind when deciding your new layout. 

The point of rearranging a garden is so you can use the space more productively, even if you just want to host a few BBQs out there this summer! However, if you’ve placed the lawn chairs in an area that’s stuck in shade for most of the day, you need to know now. 

Form a Clear Pathway From Front to Back

Walking through a garden shouldn’t be something you have to gear up for! You should be able to walk from front to back without being bombarded by leaves, stems, branches, and bugs. A good pathway allows for two people to walk down side by side, but if you don’t have room for this, a single file line is absolutely fine. The easier it is to move across this outdoor space, the more you’re going to enjoy things like water features, zen gardens, and the backyard porch. 

Garden rearrangement is very healthy. Make sure your garden design allows for easy movement and organization. 

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