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Moving into A New House? 5 Ways to Make It Pest-Free First


Source: Freepik.com

Purchasing a new home is a joyous occasion that comes with a lot of plans and, of course, many tasks. That list should definitely include making sure that the new home is free from pests before moving in. 

No doubt, it’s a type of responsibility that reaps considerable rewards since you want your new home to be comfortable and free from pests. 

In this informative blog post, we’ll guide you on how you can ensure that your prospective home is pest-free so you can move into it.

  1. Learn More About Your New Home’s History

It is imperative to understand the pest history of a new home one intends to reside in. When you are planning to relocate, it is advisable to look for the Essential Pre Purchase Building Inspection Services: Casey Building Inspections. This will give you a fair idea of what you might be dealing with and help you decide on your next move.

Once you get this information, you can better prepare for any pest issues that may arise. It will also bring you the possibility to determine whether or not the time has come to seek the assistance of professional pest control services.

  1. Be sure to Call an Expert Pest Inspector 

Before moving into new homes, a professional pest inspection is prudent. A professional pest control technician can often identify problems that may otherwise be unnoticeable to an ordinary homeowner. 

This way, a professional can check things, and possible problems and issues can be avoided in the long run. Their advice will also help you prevent pest problems before they become large-scale concerns.

  1. Clean and Disinfect Your Home Before Moving In

Cleanliness will make the home environment less conducive to pests. If you are moving in your furniture and other items, ensure that the new home is cleaned well before you introduce your items. 

Give special focus on the kitchen and the bathroom areas since these are areas where rodents are often found due to the accumulation of food particles and water. For a thorough cleaning, hiring a professional cleaning service to clean the house from top to bottom might help you out.

  1. Don’t Forget to Treat Problematic Areas Effectively

If during the inspection you find out that there is the presence of pests, or if the area was previously identified to have a pest infestation, arrange for pest control services to treat it. Of course, it’s much better to anticipate such problems before you move into your new home. 

What’s more, don’t forget to check on the effectiveness of the treatments after hiring the pest control service. They can share important insights on how to prevent pests from invading your property in the future.

  1. Seal Up All the Entry Points In or Around Your Home

Pests can easily access homes and other buildings through small crevices and openings. Check for gaps on the outer surface of your home, around doors and windows, and any other possible entrance points, and close them up. 

Make sure to check the entire house thoroughly; do not rush; check even inconspicuous areas, such as where the utility lines running into your house. It is a very time-consuming but insignificant process. 

Sealing your home from the external environment effectively will also help minimize pest penetrations into the home, boost your home aesthetics, and make it more energy efficient.

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