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How To Sell Your Home In 2020

For whatever reason, you might sell your home this year. Perhaps you’ve sat down as a family and decided that it’s time to move. Maybe you’re planning on expanding your family, and you’d rather live in a bigger place. You may even have thought about finding a new job and moving to a new area. 

Regardless, you need to know how to sell your home for the best price possible. Your instant reaction is to find a realtor and go down that route. Yes, that’s an option, but there are also other ways of selling your home for a profit in 2020…

Sell it all by yourself

The first option is to sell it all on your own. I’ve written an article about this in the past. It looks at the pros and cons of selling your home without a realtor. So, it’s worth reading that if you want more info on this idea.

For now, the brief explanation is that you go through all the property selling processes by yourself. You get someone to value the property, you take all the photos, and you list it online. You could also pay to have some advertising done - if you really wanted.

The key advantage is that you reclaim all the money from the sale. The key downside is that it can be harder to find a quick sale and harder to negotiate the price.

Sell it to a company

A popular idea - which is becoming more and more common - is to sell your home to companies that are set up to buy houses. You have businesses like We Buy Houses that will come to your home, inspect it, decide how much it’s worth, then offer money. No realtors get involved, no agents, it’s all done between the two of you.

The benefit of this is that you can get a fast offer for your home in as little as 24 hours. A lot of these companies will also pay in cash. The downside is that the offer may be less than if you sold it through other means. But, it ends up being a toss-up between convenience and how much you need the money. Some families want cash right away, so this works for them.

Sell via a realtor

Yes, we have to include this as it is still the most popular way of selling a home. With a realtor, you have someone who can handle all the different processes for you. They advertise your property, they deal with viewings, they take photos, and so on.

The clear advantage of this is that you gain more exposure for your home and can find lots of interested parties. The obvious disadvantage is that realtors can command high fees that mean you lose some of the money when selling your home.

These are the three main ways to sell a home in 2020. Each one comes with pros and cons, but we can’t say for sure if one is better than the rest. It depends on your own situation. So, weigh up each option, then decide which one will be best for your family.

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