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It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! Pass the Cheesy Popcorn, Please! #MoviesandMunchies

The movie "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!" is a movie I have watched every year since it first came out in 1966.  My whole family would watch it together, year after year.  CBS ran the special annually until 2000, and ABC picked it up in 2001 and it aired annually through 2019.  In 2020 the Apple TV+ station purchased the rights and in an uproar on social media, put enough pressure that Apple ran the show for free streaming for a few days each October.  In 2022 the free streaming days are October 28-31.

For other Baby Boomers out there, this is MUST-SEE TV.  I am glad that Apple runs it for free for a limited time, but I miss the magic that had everyone stopping their busy schedules to take one night to sit with family and watch this classic.  My husband and I were so afraid that this show was going to go away that we got the Charlie Brown series in a DVD set for future viewing.

Our daughter, Ashley, got into the spirit as well, and while I am not sure she watches it every year, I do know that she hasn't missed many.  We are about to have our first grandchild, and I plan on making him a big fan, too!

One of my favorite quotes from the movie is, "I got a rock."  It makes me laugh and be sad all at the same time.  So for our food-inspired event, I am going to serve Trick or Treat rocks (popcorn) with a delicious wine pairing.

The wine we chose was Frascati Saula Carta.  This is a light wine, tending to be more acidic than soft, and more to the dry side.  The citrus notes shine through with a touch of minerality.  Frascati is a light-bodied, dry wine showing apple, florals and citrus.  As with many Italian wines the Superiore will tend to produce wines with more complexity and depth over the regular Frascati DOC.  It pairs nicely with salty snacks, like this Cheesy Popcorn (Rocks.)  Give it a go and tell me what you think!

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  1. Poor Charlie Brown would have been thrilled with this cheesy popcorn that rocks!!!

  2. I loved knowing the whole concept of the recipe (it's simple, but I had never thought about it, I usually add something sweet) and its organized way of sharing. thank you, your space is amazing!


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