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All You Need to Know About Fine Fescue Grass


Image Credit: Pexels

We all want ideal, sharp, lush green grass for our lawns. Grass that requires less maintenance can withstand droughts and does not deter in shady areas. 

Fine fescue is one such grass type. A fine fescue grass seed germinates well and turns brownish rather than dying during the drought season. The best part about a brownish fine fescue grass is that it comes back to life as soon as it receives the right amount of water. 

Fine fescue is considered the best turfgrass in Canada and the US. But before you buy it, we recommend analyzing it inside out. 

On that note, let us look at everything you need to know about fine fescue grass.

How to grow fine fescue grass?

Growing fine fescue is much more complicated than growing a rosebud. Fine fescue seeds should be strategically planted to germinate well and cover all dry, barren patches. 

So, let's look at how to plant them:

  • Before heading to a website to buy fine fescue, we need to ascertain the nature of our land. Is it exposed to sunlight all day? Or do we have shady patches? If our land has both these attributes, we need to choose the right blend of fine fescue that can tolerate both. 

  • The timing of planting fine fescue is equally important as it is a cool season grass type. That is why experts suggest sowing it during early fall or spring. 

  • The soil temperature is equally at play here. If your land's temperature is above 60–65 degrees Fahrenheit, the seeds will struggle to germinate, so it is best to wait for the temperature to drop before planting fine fescue. 

  • pH is another major factor at play here. Although fine fescue is adjusting in nature, you still need to ensure that your soil is well-fertilized before planting seeds. You need to ensure that the pH levels in the soil are between 5.5 and 7.5, respectively. 

  • Weeds can pose a serious problem for your plantation. Therefore, remove all weeds and render the surface flat for plantation. 

  • Plant the seeds in equal proportions across the entire lawn area. Rake them using a layer of soil to even the surface out further. 

  • Keep watering the soil regularly. The top soil should not stay dry as it impacts germination.

  • Once you see the sow building up, reduce the watering so the roots can cement themselves. 

Benefits of fine fescue

Now that you know how to plant these seeds let us look at why you should buy these high-quality seeds and what makes them so special:

  1. Fine fescue, if properly maintained, germinates much faster than other grasses.

  2. It is considered one of the best turfgrasses due to its fine leaf texture. 

  3. Fine fescue is highly-dense in nature. It covers the entire lawn surface well without leaving dry patches. 

  4. This grass type does not need fertilizers to survive and maintain its shape. It can thrive even on natural soil nutrition.

  5. Fine fescue is a friendly grass type. In other words, it blends well with bluegrass and perennial rye, etc.

  6. It is a highly-versatile grass type. It can survive in all seasons. 

  7. It can handle drought much more effectively. The scorching heat can turn it brownish, but with proper watering and maintenance afterward, it can be revived again. 

  8. This grass type is suitable for both hilly and flat terrain areas. 

Endnote- Should you buy it?

Well, it is certainly the most versatile grass type for Americans. Fine fescue can give your lawn an aesthetic appeal and spark life into it. 

So, consider the plantation process mentioned above and buy fine fescue seeds today.

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