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How To Take Care Of Common Household Problems

 Every home will have a problem or two now and then. Whether it is a big or small issue matters, but how you handle it is just as important. Be proactive and pay attention to these common household concerns before they grow into a headache for everyone living with you.

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Clean Your Drains Frequently

The simple act of using your sinks, showers, and tubs means that residue, products, and byproducts will eventually build up enough for you to take notice. Do yourself a favor and be mindful of what you put down the drain. Hair, garbage, and certain types of food should never be washed down into your pipes. Of course, if you have a garbage disposal, ensure you read the user’s manual and educate yourself and your family members on what food products can and cannot be put into the disposal.

When you notice sinks and showers no longer drain quickly, there is a foul odor coming from the drains, or they are completely clogged, it is more than time to contact a licensed plumber to schedule a professional drain cleaning service. They will assess the problem and provide you with a solution so your drains are clear once again.

A pro tip is to have your drains professionally cleaned on a schedule to prevent any unnecessary build-up from occurring. This proactive step will save you time, money, and frustration. When they come out to clear your drains, ask about a recommended maintenance schedule.

Follow a Maintenance Schedule

Depending on the time of year or your geographic location, you should follow a specific home maintenance schedule. This way, you can take on each item at the appropriate time of year. 

Watch this video for more information.

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Pay Attention to the Gutters

Your gutters are essential to the longevity of your home. They tend to go relatively unnoticed until something goes wrong. Gutters are designed to drain and carry water away from the structure. 

If you have not cleaned your gutters or had them inspected in a while now is the best time to do it. If you are able to do it yourself, be mindful of safety precautions when going up onto the roof. If you would rather leave the task to the experts, they are trained in safety protocols and already have all of the necessary equipment on hand to get the job done right.

While having the gutters inspected, request a thorough cleaning, too. If you live near the woods or have trees on your property, leaves have a way of collecting in the gutters. When too many leaves accumulate, they will clog the system and prevent water from draining through the eaves and gutters. The rainwater will instead spill over the sides of the gutters and fall towards your home.

If you wish, request gutter guards or similar products to be installed to prevent future problems. Ensure all of the gutters, eaves, and downspouts are still properly secured to the house and have any issues fixed at this time.

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Taking care of your home should be a priority for every homeowner. Make it a family affair and get everyone involved. The checklist will get done quicker, and you can have fun together in the process of maintaining your home.

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  1. As I read through this post, I couldn't help but reflect on my own experiences dealing with household maintenance. Last summer, our drains got so clogged that we had to call in a plumber, and I wish we had been more proactive about it like the post suggests. It's true what they say, a stitch in time saves nine!


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