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Keeping Seasonal Pests Out Of Your Home

Keeping seasonal pests out of your home is vital to creating a safe and healthy living space. Pests like rats, cockroaches, flies, etc., do not only pose health problems but are also an eyesore. And pests like termites can also chew into wooden structures in your home and even affect your building's structural integrity. The first step to dealing with seasonal pests is knowing which ones are more common in your location.

The most common seasonal pests, according to location

Thanks to available pest search data, it's possible to learn about what pests are more common in your state or location. And you can use this information to guide you on what measures to take to prevent any seasonal pest from getting into your home. The data results from years of analysis on which states searched for what pests the most online. And the results show that from 2020 to 2022, different states recognized different pest searches each year. 

How the information can help you

Ants, bed bugs, wasps, rats, fleas, flies, ticks, spiders, mosquitos, termites, and scorpions appear to be the most searched pests by each state. And while these pests rank differently in different states (regarding their search data), it serves as a guide concerning what pests you should focus on when trying to make your home free from seasonal pests. The information or search data can help you understand what pests you don't have to worry too much about, depending on your location. 

Infographic Design By Pest Search Data

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