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Caprese Sandwich for #TasteCreations

Taste Creation bloggers came up with a wonderful theme for June and that is... PICNICS!  Have an old-fashioned family luncheon out in a park and treat your family to wonderful memories as well as good food.

I am making a Caprese Sandwich, which I made over Memorial Day for my husband and me for lunch.  We headed over to Creve Coeur Park and sat by the lake and enjoyed watching the kayakers and row team on the water.  It was a great way to spend a little time together.

The Caprese Sandwich is simply the Caprese Salad but on good bread.  We added some leftover rotisserie chicken to it and it was so good and filling.  Enjoy the recipe below

Our other Taste Creation bloggers are adding some other fun picnic foods to the menu.  Be sure to check them out! 

Rosemary from An Italian In My Kitchen made Strawberry Sangria!

Nikki from Tikkido made these fantastic Chocolate Whoopie Pies

Lauren from Mom Home Guide made Summer Pasta Salad.

Join us in July to see what our theme will be then!  We always post the first Monday of the month, just like clockwork!  

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