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Four Great Dessert Ideas for July

Taste Creation Bloggers are taking a much-needed holiday and have decided to share with you some of our favorite dessert recipes that will really hit the spot in the heat of summer.  We hope these desserts will find themselves on your summer table in the next few weeks!

To start us off, check out this yummy Pink Strawberry Cheesecake by Lauren of Mom Home Guide.  She makes this with a pretzel crust, so if you love that salty/sweet combination, this recipe is for you!

Rosemary from Breads and Sweets is sharing this six-ingredient No Churn Butter Pecan Ice Cream.  The ice cream starts with a simple base that is adaptable to all kinds of flavors.  Head over to her blog to find out more!

Nikki from Tikkido is sending us her Homemade Strawberry Sauce Topping which will work wonderfully with the dessert I am sharing below.  This is a family recipe, so you will want to check it out, especially with strawberries being plentiful right now!

I am sharing with you my Banana Split No Bake Ice Cream Cake.  This is a spin-off on another Ice Cream Cake that I found on the blog.  I think you will like it!  Use Nikki's Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream Topping to take it over the top!

We hope these recipes and treats will be just what you need to finish off your summer meals!

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