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How to Quit Your Day Job and Travel the World as a Digital Nomad


Image Source: Unsplash

A digital nomad is a remote worker that travels to and from different locations on a regular basis. To work, they’ll use modern technology, like laptops and WiFi, that’s available in hotels, coffee shops, and other coworking spaces. Some nomads travel by campervan or their own two legs.

If you’re tired of climbing up the career ladder and you want to get out and see the world, or you’re simply looking for a change, becoming a nomad may be the best thing you’ll ever do. 

Why do you Want to Become a Nomad?

Feeling dissatisfied with your job, career, or surroundings isn’t uncommon, but you shouldn’t give up everything you have without reason. You also need to get your finances in place, find a job, and understand how to find accommodations, transportation, and internet while you travel. 

People become nomads for all sorts of reasons, including:

  • To have new life experiences

  • To explore new cultures

  • To improve their job prospects

  • To work abroad for a year

  • To earn money while traveling

  • To live for themselves

No one says you have to be a nomad forever, but if you plan on selling your things, you’ll be in this for the long haul. Learn all you can about traveling and nomad life before taking the plunge. 

How Anyone Can Quit Their Job and Travel the World

Now that you’re sure you want to become a nomad, you can start to look at the logistics of becoming a traveling freelancer. Here’s the steps you need to take to become a nomad.

Learn How to Make Money Online

The pandemic has only made it easier to make money with a laptop, but you may not know what’s out there. Freelancers are typically bloggers, writers, marketers, bookkeepers, website designers, coders, consultants, dropshippers, online course designers, or language educators.

If you want to get the ball rolling, check out a few remote work and entrepreneurship resources, such as books (like “The 4-Hour Workweek''), courses (like a coding bootcamp), or websites. If you want to see the freelancing landscape in action, check out Flexjobs.com or ProBlogger.com.

Be sure to consider a VPN for the safest way to use the internet. VPN provides a secure connection, changes your IP address and encrypts your data plus much more. The best VPN with free trial will set you up economically and safely.

Understand Remote Banking and Taxes

Anyone can plan a trip around the world on almost any budget. Even if you have an endless budget, self-employed individuals need to pay close attention to their income for tax purposes.

Filing self-employment taxes involves a lot of savings. You have to pay 15.3% in self-employment taxes and 10% to 37% in income tax. If you pay over $1,000 in taxes, you have to submit your taxes quarterly, and if you’re American, you still have to pay the IRS if you work internationally. 

Since the government doesn’t automatically take a portion of your earnings, you need to save 25% to 30% of your income in a separate account, so you can eventually settle your tax burden.

Learn How to Travel and Stay Connected

Every nomad needs fast and reliable WiFi to work online. You can use a 4G or 5G USB stick to get WiFi from anywhere, or you can upgrade your phone plan, so you can make a hotspot.

Besides that, you’ll need a good VPN to encrypt your connection on public WiFi, a virtual mail service to send and receive mail and packages, insurance, lots of friends, and a backup plan. Anything can happen at any time, so you’ll need to be prepared if you need to take a trip home.

Learn how to shop for deals and find accommodations in your price range. If your work requires a work visa (many online jobs don’t), be sure to get your documents ready ahead of time.

Make the Digital Nomad Leap 

You’re almost ready to take the digital nomad leap, but there are a few things you’ll need to do before you go. First off, don’t quit your day job if you haven’t built up a good deal of savings. Then, slowly get rid of your things. If you sell your house, you’ll have more money to spare.

Finally, you may have a few people criticizing your switch to the nomad life. It can be tough to ignore your friends or family when they don’t support your choices but don’t second guess yourself. There are millions of digital nomads that successfully work remotely, and you can, too!

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