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Be Aware of These Things for Mentally Challenged Individuals

Individuals suffering from mental health illnesses should be provided with equal care and protection as highly-abled people are granted. For they too are people, they should be treated like one. Things might be a bit challenging taking care of a mentally challenged individual, but one needs to ensure that no matter what decisions he will make, it will be in the best interest of the person suffering.

If you happen to have a loved one currently dealing with an illness, we have listed some actions you must be aware of in taking care of them and precautions you can take to avoid bad scenarios from happening to them.

Forced Confinement

The Florida Mental Health Act, better known as the baker act, ensures that in instances where mental health professionals and other law enforcing officers hold a mentally challenged individual against their will or without a proper and valid diagnosis, they shouldn't be confined in jail or an institution for more than 72 hours. 

So long as that person doesn't display threatening behaviors and doesn't meet the criteria needed to be confined, he should be released without any questions and conditions.

If your loved one is being held up wrongly, you should know that you can seek help from baker act lawyers specializing in the protection and defense of the mentally ill. No matter their place in society, no one should experience injustice because the authority fails to be competent and judge objectively.

Institutional Abuse

The toxic thinking of society that mentally challenged individuals should be treated less humanly exists even on facilities that are supposed to help them with their struggles. It is an unfortunate fact that keeps going even until now. Cases where mental institutions' staff disregard patients' requests and opinions, nurses not giving them proper care and attention, doctors are giving them inadequate treatment, and other mishandling could make a patient's condition worse than better.

To avoid the possibility of your loved one experiencing the same, make sure that you review a facility you're thinking of admitting the person in. Know the services they offer, gather reviews from people who have experience in the place, and do not be afraid to ask the staff questions related to caregiving and proper treatment.

Also try to visit the facility before admitting a loved one there. Make sure that the staff are friendly, patients are cared for, and the facility has the right type of furniture such as beds and chairs for mental health hospitals.

Inquire for free clinics and other mental health services

Unlike before, mental health is more given attention these days. There are laws and different organizations, both governmental and not, which focus on society's mental health and give importance to treating mental illnesses. 

Help is more reachable these days. From social support, financial assistance, and even free professional consultations. Most organizations can be found online, and you can also inquire about them through chats. There are also free clinics in which you can examine with your local government. Try asking about the Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) 's availability in your area.

If you are someone taking care of a mentally challenged individual and things are getting pretty hard for you to handle alone, always know that you have the option to ask for professional help. Do not carry the burden alone.

Being responsible for a person with mental illness is not an easy job nor a monotonous routine you'll get used to as time goes by. Every day is an unpredictable day for you and the person suffering. Every episode and tantrum is as hard as the first day you have encountered it. 

It is exhausting for the person who has the illness and can get pretty draining for you. So, before you start accepting a duty of this big responsibility, you have to gain at least enough knowledge of that person's illness and the things you can do to safeguard him.

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