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5 Tips for Taking a Trip to Mexico



So, you finally managed to book that amazing trip to Mexico you’ve been dreaming about for the past two years. Now, what? 

Well, depending on how much time you have at your disposal, you should start preparing. Mexico is a gorgeous country with a rich culture and amazing traditions, but if you want to have a good time and make positive memories, it does take a bit of practice.

So here are a few tips to help make the wait shorter and get you more in touch with the Mexican way of life. 

#1: Don’t Drink Tap Water

One thing you probably know by now (it’s in every Mexico travel guide) is that you should stay away from tap water. That’s not because the water is not safe to drink, even for the locals. There seems to be an issue with the delivery system, so everyone knows not to drink the tap water (unless you boil it).

The best option is to drink bottled water, or if you have a reliable purifier, you can use it to filter the tap water. However, make sure your purifier can handle the Mexico water by checking online reviews. 

#2: Pack Accordingly

Mexico is often associated with sunny days, gorgeous beaches, and lots of fun in the sun. And yet, the weather is capricious and can turn on you in a jiffy. So, unless you want to get soaked or get a cold, you’d better check the weather for the time you’ll spend there.

And then, to be safe, pack an umbrella or a raincoat. Of course, the usual tips to prepare before travel apply, and you shouldn’t overpack. After all, you can still find what you need at the hotel or resort, but you may pay more (forgetful tourists have to pay extra). 

#3: Learn Some Spanish Before You Go

In the big cities and resorts that are frequented by tourists, chances are you’ll find English speakers. However, if you want to see more than the beaches and the part of Mexico that everybody knows (and you should!), try to learn a few words in Spanish.

Plus, you can learn Spanish with Lingoda's professionals and ask for a few tips on how to get along with the locals. It’s easy, fun, and will open an entirely new world that’s less touristy but a lot more interesting.

#4: Keep Your Documents Safe

Every traveler should know to keep their documents safe and have a few copies just in case. But we’re not talking about the documents you come from home with; we’re talking about the document you’ll receive at the border after you’ve been approved to enter. 

You will be handed a slip of paper by the Mexico immigration officer, and you must make sure not to lose or damage it. That’s because you will be asked for it when you leave, and if it’s not in good condition (or in your possession), you may have to pay a fine.

This is called a Multiple Immigration Form (FMM), and it’s often placed inside your passport (it’s also sticky, so you won’t lose it). Look for it and make sure you keep it safe.

#5: Get Insurance

With the current social climate, travel insurance is a must! Mexico is not a dangerous country, so you’ll be able to get affordable policies from most providers. Also, if you want to rent a car and drive around, you should include this in the insurance as well. 

Key Takeaways

As long as you pack light but take into consideration the Mexican weather, get proper travel insurance, and know how to connect with the locals, your long-awaited trip to Mexico will be a success!

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  1. Being so close to the border as I am, you would think I would go more often. I have never been past Nogales.

  2. To think that the water is still not safe to drink in Mexico. I will remember that.

  3. I'll keep these tips in mind if I ever go to Mexico. I would love to go someday too. I need to learn more Spanish first though.

  4. Looking forward on visiting the country for the first time. Been seeing a lot from movies!

  5. Richelle Milar7:03 AM

    These are all really great tips! I’m gonna share this with my friend who is having a trip to Mexico next month! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  6. These seem like really good tips to consider when traveling to Mexico! I wonder how well the Life Straw would work on their tap water...

  7. I'm a big fan of planning ahead for a trip. These are great tips to keep in mind.

  8. Hannah Bures1:37 PM

    Travling to medio was so much fun! Definitely do not drink the tap water!!

  9. My daughter and her fiancé just got back from Mexico. They had a great trip and didn't get sick (but they avoided iced drinks.)

  10. Anonymous8:50 AM

    We would like to visit and explore the beaches of Mexico someday. Thank you for these tips! -LYNNDEE

  11. We have traveled through the Yucatan quite a bit. These tips are spot on!

  12. I've heard so many interesting things about Mexic and I hope to visit it one day!

  13. I've been to Mexico as part of a cruise. It was awesome and I'd love to go again. Maybe one day.

  14. Anonymous4:24 PM

    These are some wonderful travel tips on travelling to Mexico! Insurance is a must for sure


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